
Your hatred is, as usual, a good indicator that the thing you hate is actually awesome and everyone should love it.

There were fairly credible reports that the spurs wanted to deal LMA for a top 8 pick, who else would they be looking for but a new French PG to replace their own rusty old one? Just saying there are reasons to think it’s worth giving frank a chance.

Still can’t believe they’re firing Ford.

This one seems...overpriced?

Fairly modest out here in NC I guess.

The real question is how did The Andersons get tickets to the game?

My thing is...this is who he has always been! He has always been this much of an asshole, and he has always been willing to have the worst people on his show and either barely scold them or tacitly support them as they trash women and minorities. I remember watching an episode when I was a teenager with Ray Bradbury,

As fun as this concept is (and it is fun to think about), wouldn’t it make more sense for the Navy to just focus on deploying individual weapons systems in an unmanned fashion if we’re really looking to counter strategic rivals like China? Not only are you minimizing US casualties since the majority of operators

I sure hope so, I’m not a hockey fan in general but trying to actually judge where that skate was in relation to the ice was nearly impossible. If this was an NFL playoff game people would be rioting over a call like that being overturned on that evidence alone.

Also the fact that if steph didn’t exist Klay would be required to drive more, and btw would own the single season theee point record himself.

Not just butt, but particularly stinky butt.

That’s a new thing though, airlines figured out they could blackmail tall people by charging a fee, it used to be that you just went to the gate and requested an exit row and they’d give you one unless flight was overbooked.

As a fellow person with long legs may I add that people under a certain height should be barred from the exit row? Drives me nuts when I see short people sitting there.

You really need to get over yourself with this whole “I’m going to define the dynamics of being a sports fan for everyone else on earth” thing. I started being a fan of Curry when he was at Davidson and followed him into the NBA. His first three years were worryingly grant hill-ish but since then he’s been even better

I really feel bad for this kid, but I could practically FEEL millions of voices screaming out “Box Out!” in terror on both of the free throws. That is a spot where you have to box your man at all costs and make the guy foul you to get it himself. Its not like it was the only time in that game, oregon generally was

I’ve been a Knicks fan since I was 5 years old. What is wrong with me liking an actual NBA team while I wait for the Knicks to remember how to field one?

As many have already asked on Twitter, where the hell was Matt Barnes? Isn’t this the whole reason they signed him, to throw hands so draymond doesn’t have to?

So I’m not the only one who saw Nintendo say they were going to add multiplayer to old VC titles and immediately thought of Seiken Densetsu 3?

This is why, despite my own affection for driving, I’m ready for the self driving car future. Computers won’t be able to fail to signal, and they’ll likely be hooked into some type of continuous wireless communication system so they can inform each other of their intent when they want to change lanes/etc in addition

Cars like this bum me out on a personal level, it looks fun but like the current owner I’m way, way to tall for it at 6'8". Nobody makes “fun” cars for guys my size, so I end up stuck with a Lexus sedan, as it at least has the legroom for me.