
Such as...?

Neither is the full 512MB "available to developers" on the 360. Given how badly the latest NXE runs for me doing things like Netflix, the 32-64MB that MS allocates for the 360's OS doesn't really seem sufficient.

You mean 4x the RAM? 360 only has 512MB.

Its an especially poor idea if they do it like the MP DLC in past AC games where you have to all go into options and ENABLE the DLC, and then cannot ever find a game as the vast majority of players either don't have it or don't know they have to enable it.

The only thing that makes this a little less than perfect is that it does require netflix to be launched on the PS3 already, would be nice if the PS3 could automatically pull up the app, or put up a prompt asking to do so on the PS3 if someone is in the middle of a game/etc on there already.

Well I kind of thought that was an attempt to flip the dynamic a bit from the original series, where hikaru is lovestruck for a largely indifferent Minmei. Now you have two female idols, who could have virtually any man they want of the available pool, who are both somewhat obsessed with a "famous female impersonator"

Really think you may have misunderstood some of the plot points in the series, frankly.

The show was ALWAYS all about the love triangle...thats why the theme song is named "triangler".

Have to agree with the other person, the cast of 7 was way, way worse.

Seems silly to sell it BEFORE you pick up your WiiU if you have any virtual console games, as presumably you need the Wii they were purchased on to do whatever transfer procedure.

No problem, FF pretty notorious for REQUIRING that level of assistance to start. I actually still have the Nintendo Power collection of game walkthroughs that includes it in a box somewhere as well. Sadly (or awesomely, depends on perspective) I have most of the game memorized, other than the stuff they added to the

Yeah this seems like a bit of a rip-off.

The controls, the level design, the "sense of speed"? In every one of those aspects it is a vastly inferior game, compared to its PSX counterparts. Please do me a favor and go play some Wipeout 3, then HD, and then try and tell me HD is a better game in ANY way other than its graphical fidelity. Its pretty, but thats

Anytime a studio closes its sad, but much like Rare it was at best a shell of its former awesome self. The last several wipeout games have been mediocre to bad (I find HD particularly horrid), kind of hoping Sony finds a new home for the series that can recapture the glory of the original PSX games, which for my money

Well if you didn't like Xenoblade I'm not sure what to tell you, as I thought it was easily the best JRPG of this generation, and metacritic rating of it seems to indicate the majority of critics agree.

You're gonna want a WiiMote for TLS, Xenoblade is playable with classic controller but I personally thought Wiimote and Nunchuk was a more comfortable scheme.

Because Nintendo provided financial backing for the production of them? In the case of Xenoblade they also own a controlling interest in the dev itself, IIRC.

Agree with pretty much every comment you've made on this article, just wanted to voice my support since most of the other commenters think you are trolling.

I think the answer to the core question I would give is that no version of NBA 2k has ever really fully nailed a control scheme that is flawless and accurate. Its always been adequate and occasionally its even been brilliant, but there have always been issues in various different areas.