♔King Arthur

This makes it a lot harder for me to wander into idiots arguing about sexism in cosplay. Thank you, Kotaku.

But PC has something consoles don't.

Yes. For example, many wives do not let their husbands go to strip clubs.

What??? No.

Most married people, women & men alike, could provide you with a list of things their spouse will not let them do.

"His insecurity is just so masculine. I love it."

Territorial? Turf? Uh I just don't like the wording at all.

Blame Sony for that one. They won't fork over the movie rights for the IP.

whats stupid is that Spider-Man isn't part of the Marvel cinematic universe.

Lick your phone safely!

I once showed off that skill to my best friend. She said, if you can do that without detaching the stem from the cherry, I'll marry you. I did. She didn't marry me though. Lying jerkface.

Actually, the human mouth has far more bacteria than a toilet bowl, iPhone & vagine combined. So really, tongue kissing is far more gross than mouth to vagine.

Who has one tongue and can tie a cherry stem in a knot with it?