
Well nevermind then, I was angry, but now I get 20 free games. Okay I'm good again. Nintendo, you keep doing your thing.

So I bought a 3DS last month (or a couple of weeks ago, I don't remember, spending that much money is all a haze), does that me I get the 20 free games too?

That was the most amazing thing I've heard all week. I guess that's what I get for being in my house all week.

I swear, every time I make a purchase, something like this happens. I think I might go over the edge with this one. I mean, you should've seen the look on my face when I read that title.

So I have Spotify now. I can't see the difference between Spotify and Grooveshark, other than more audio ads. But so far, I like it more than Grooveshark. I don't know why.

I often play Morrowind. I recently started a new game. I need to finish that. I never finished the main quest because I could never find what the main quest was.

I just stared at that picture for like, 5 minutes. I mean... How is that even possible? It's so weird... Like I know how to do it, but not like her.

Yessssssssssss. I'm more excited for this now.

This new Halo game makes me want to punch someone in face. Not only does Microsoft just love milking this series, they give it to this company who looks like they don't even know what they're doing. I mean, I love the Halo series, been a fan since the first one. But I just can't buy into this. I know what you guys are

Every time I look at it, all I see is a felt puppet. Not a worm. Just a guy. With a scary puppet.

Well actually I think it was Spirit Tracks, because Zelda could enter the bodies of the phantoms in that one.

So I have Comcast on Demand crap. But this Netflix streaming crap looks pretty good. Is the Netflix crap better than the Comcast crap?

I could do Keyboard cat if I was a little more prepared. Oh and I suppose I have go to work too... Maybe if I tell them it's for this...

Oh you don't know how much I agree with this. Plus, a lot of video games. And chocolate.

I don't know what I signed up for, but the news has always has this effect on me.

I read Crown Prostitution Service. Makes more sense now. I should read closer.

I always get Oso (bear), Ojo, and Oro (gold) mixed up. They are too close together. I should fix that.

I've been really into PC gaming this year too. I mean, I love my consoles, but for some reason, I just can't stop playing PC. I've been playing Portal 2 and Minecraft like none other recently. But before, I had to upgrade my computer a bit before I could do anything really. I could just barely run Starcraft 2, but I

Yeah games can kind of get crazy. We have the Timbers Army, who sets off smoke bombs and passes a flag around. And we have Timber Joey (used to be Jim, but he retired), and he cuts off a piece of wood every time a goal is made. And he just carries around a chainsaw. I heard that the Timbers and Sounders game got