KillerRaccoon - Group J's Sébastien Loeb

4k really doesn't matter. There isn't much difference at all to the human eye on a reasonably sized screen. However, the 60fps 1080 is awesome.

Pixel count is not all that matters.

Good luck selling it at even $20k. The reserve isn't even met yet.

If it weren't for that blasted fan boost thing in Formula E I would be legitimately hyped for it.

I wouldn't say their careers stall. They usually find quite desirable seats in gt or prototype racing.

I would bet it's for intelligent, and tries to adapt to how you're driving.

Fake intakes? Elucidate, please.


I don't consider an Enzo stepping up. They were from that era when electronic assists sucked balls but they used them anyways. I bet it handles just as well as the Enzo, but with less electronic interference, and might even be faster due to weight.

Wait. It's supposed to be sporty but has a dead rear axle? At least it looks good.

Saying a dd car isn't an investment is akin to saying buying a house isn't an investment. You use both daily, and they are both a significant chunk of one's equity. Ignoring either's worth is irresponsible.

They just better make a version that doesn't look chintzy.

Ah, I didn't notice that, thanks.

A helmet that just falls onto your head is too loose.

Thx mucho. Hadn't thought it would show up on TPB.

NO. NO. I not paying to have to watch Chris Harris on Cars. Anything but that :(

They're there to help evacuate the high-pressure air from the wheel well.

"We are also surprised that Alpha and Beta prototypes have yet to be tested for what is a significantly new product."

Three? lol

It looks like the waves had already calmed to no more than some gentle 3-5 ft swells only 20ish feed from the iceberg. They did look scary before they did calm, but it sounds like that lady got stuck in panic mode. Just point your boat towards the wave and there'll be no problem. There probably wouldn't be a problem