That she will probably be a great leader because Windows 8 improves on 7, tablets and touch devices are everywhere and you'd be crazy to not think they aren't a part of "the future of business".
That she will probably be a great leader because Windows 8 improves on 7, tablets and touch devices are everywhere and you'd be crazy to not think they aren't a part of "the future of business".
The incompleteness is a good point - even the developers have mentioned that, for whatever reason, they didn't get everything in the game that they wanted to - this includes additional difficulty levels of the story (a la Nightmare and Hell modes of D2) and a couple other things. Endgame right now starts when you…
I'm such a horrible shill for this game series. It hooked me, perfectly, since the first game and I can't not love, or atleast enjoy, them. The final mission of AC3 can eat a bag of dicks though.
Really excited to see what make's Conner's Dad tick, he was REALLY interesting.
WII FIT TRAINER IS THE GREATEST THING I NEVER KNEW I WANTED said basically most of tumblr, myself included.
I understand that someone who has not experienced a sexual assault may think it's an overreaction. That's why I shared my personal experience. Thank for you responding in such a mature way to my comment.
I'm in your situation, I have a good connection so I'm not worried. I was left scratching my head at the line: "Pay a fee to sell used games?" Uhh what? When the hell did that happen. As far as I was aware the publisher controls the prices of the used games.
With lending games, you can lend them to 10 gamers in your…
I dunno—Versus XIII was in more or less the same territory for years, and it's still coming out, albeit under a different name.
I'm also an unapologetic Team ICO fanboy, so I'm probably going to hold out unrealistic hope for a while longer—but it'll be the back-burner sort of hope; the kind you don't really pay…
Not really surprised, which is kinda sad, it kinda shows how little faith there is in Team Ico's reliability.
Yea, I understand there are "interest stories" that are only tangentially related to games, but Drake, via his once singing at an Xbox press event, being stalked by Amanda Bynes' crazy ass being "game related" really strains the extreme fringes of that definition.
I want an Xbox One and I'm sick of everyone acting like you have to work for Microsoft to want one. I am a big Halo fan, I loved Killer Instinct, and Ryse looks awesome to me. If you're a fan of Sony's exclusives than good for you, but not everyone is.
(With a dose of Star Wars: The Old Republic).
"Putting gamers first"
I agree I thought that MS threw game after game at us and never stopped. the ps conference was boring until square enix announced FF15 and KH 3. then dropped the 399 no DRM bomb and the crowd went nuts. before that though the crowd was quite silent.
Yep. Too bad many others don't see it that way and must argue over it; their's aren't opinions, they're facts and apparently we're blind fanboy trolls for thinking otherwise...
I too can't decide if I am going to by one, or both. Couldn't really distinguish much difference from either. My consoles now are always plugged in and I couldn't care less about used games. As it sits right now the comparisons net to: one console costs less, the other does a lot more. Too early to tell yet, this…
Box is too shooter oriented. With a few exceptions I don't find them that appealing, especially on a gamepad. What MS could possibly offer except Gears and Halo? And stuff they showed today was the stuff I mostly don't like to play.
I flew from Oklahoma to Pax Prime in 2010. It is more than worth it.