
They are allowing a one-time license transfer of any game you own, including digital downloads. Plus, I can add 10 friends to by Xbox Family and they can play any game I have, including simultaneously with me, whenever they want. It basically eliminates trading and selling games if you have some solid friends.

The Wii was fresh, new, exciting, and (dare I say) innovative when it was released. It has sold almost 100 million units to date. It was a HUGE success.

Yes, you should. Don't let the frustrating final mission spoil the rest.

True, but a majority of that time was spent developing the new engine which takes years.

You used "terribad" as a noun which clearly shows your intellectual and maturity level, so I think it is a safe assumption that I have beaten more games in my lifetime than you have ever known existed in your lifetime. Hell, I was "beating" games before games could even technically be "beaten". They just broke at some

Ocarina of Time was great, but it isn't in my top ten list for sure. Now, if you would have said A Link To The Past, that's easily up there.

Wow, I had completely forgotten that wasn't a Wii game. Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping.....

That's exactly what Nintendo wants you to say.

So are you going to buy a full retail release for what is essentially a gameplay tweak for a game you already own and have beaten? Shouldn't they just patch the old game. Can Wii games even be patched?

I say this as a lifelong gamer dating all the way back to the mid 70's who has not nor will ever stop playing games: if the announcement of Mirror's Edge 2 is "literally the greatest moment of my life", you have a very sad existence.

Here we can examine the stupidity of a common person that clearly doesn't have the slightest clue what he is talking about, while I, having worked in game development on both developer and publisher side, might have a better understanding of the impact of market saturation that a common person.

His dad's part was fine and it has a sick twist to it at the end. I loved that part.

Fuck that final mission. That and the extended tutorial at the beginning totally killed my love for that game.

How? Stop releasing annual games. Stop developing three games at the same time, regardless of platform. Give us one new game every 2-3 years. Give us something to look forward to, not make us think "another one already?".

Jonathan Blow is such a pretentious twat.

Based on the comments here, I guess a lot more people that I would have ever imagined are into Animal Crossing. I played the first one many moons ago and would have enjoyed watching paint dry more, but that's just me it seems.

Well, you already get the villager and the Wii Fit girl: two characters literally no one would have ever asked for or wanted if given a choice. Exciting times!

I enjoyed Fable 3, but I only played it co-op while drinking copious amounts of Scotch. Drunk co-op + gay married characters + black adopted son with a horrible, racial slur for a name = good times.

No, I was being sarcastic.

I'd like to have $100 million dollars in one hand and Mila Kunis in the other, but it doesn't mean it will ever happen.