
You say innovative, I say gimmicky. Whatever.

In corporate speak, that is saying sales are far below projections, but there is no cause for concern....yet.

If Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo were to actually restrict used games from working on their system, it would be one of the stupidest mistakes that company would make. I would flat out refuse to buy console if I couldn't play used games. Not that I buy used games, but Gamefly is one of the best services out there and

Maybe if you stopped watching porn and stopped objectifying women you'd grow a clue. Just because a woman is dressed in what could be considered "sexy" doesn't mean she's doing it to get attention or to be a whore. Most women dress sexy because, and I know this may shock you, because they want to feel sexy for

Latent homosexuality must be the worst.

The update is required out of the box there hero.

Yeah, it is going to suck.

I wouldn't call the WiiU a masterpiece at all, but you tell an 8 year old to wait 3 hours to play his Christmas present.

The update took 3 hours.

Is that narrator's dialog written by a 12 year old? Terrible.

Why does everyone have such a fucking hard-on for The Last Guardian? The trailer from years ago looked okay at best. Every year-end and E3 we have the same bullshit "where is The Last Guardian" articles.

Well, you'd better not read most books, even the bible. You'd better turn off the TV for good. You'd better not watch another movie again, as every movie, even the kid-friendly movies have some violence and even death. You'd better not listen to any rap or rock music.

So his opinion is invalid but yours is somehow "correct"?

I'm sorry, man, but your comment is beyond ignorant. How does the existence Call of Duty or Halo "perpetuate an acceptance of war and desensitize people"? Have you ever been in a war? I have. There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, that can desensitize the impact of war on a person or make it more acceptable.

I watched football over the weekend. I saw at least 5 commercials for the Marines, Navy and Army. So it is okay to advertise for trained killers as long as it advances your political agendas, but not okay for a video game of which 99.999% of all people that play it are smart enough to know that it is a game and simply

At least you got to play. I have seen nothing but "synching account" for hours on end.

This is what happens when you involve a "marketing" team and a "social networking" team in the development of your crappy Facebook game. Video game companies, especially the marketing side, need to pull their collective heads out of their asses and realize that a VAST majority of gamers are no longer the homephobic,

I hate to be that guy, but your failed marriage has nothing at all to do with video games. You cheated on him (and it seems he did the same). I appreciate the humorous spin you put on it, but you marriage failed because of infidelity, insecurity and an obvious lack of communication (outside of the video game screen).

I thought the Move was all but dead at this point. You never hear any news about it any more nor do you ever hear about the next awesome Move game.

So, I hopped into a game, fumbled around a bit with graphics options and controls, accessed a few terminals in the little starting area, pulled up the map and saw what I think was a battle going on, I purchased an ATV, hopped on, drove for a good 10 minutes toward the battle, hit a random bump in the road, lost