
In other news: Surface still sucks.

This is the equivalent of an American teacher dressing up Lara Croft. It isn't objectifying women, it is rewarding students by being geeky.

Spoiler alert: Vampires aren't real.

Because they can.

I started working when I was 14. If a 14 year old wants to work, why stop them?

Much like the much hyped and much failed Zune (of which I was a proud owner) and the amazing 1% market share of the Windows phone, I don't know why anyone would think Surface would be any different. They are years late to the party, with an OS and app store that is years behind the competition. Nitpicking the keyboard

They offered the most money/advertising space.

This is actually s pretty sweet deal for people that don't have $400 to drop on a new console. After two years, you'll end up saving $20-30 going with the two year contract plan over going out and buying the console and two years of Xbox Live.

It isn't worthless. That in game money can be traded for real this case $6000 worth of cash.

The WiiU is shipping in limited quantities around the world. Preorders sold out almost instantly. This is a marketing move of the most obvious caliber. That way, we'll see press releases left and right about how the WiiU is selling out across the market and how, if you want one, you better start searching, thus

Here's the problem with Facebook games. They forcibly and laughably rely on you spamming your friends, your wall, and your email to even remotely enjoy. They have these totally useless and dated limits on gameplay that can only be circumvented by spamming your friends endlessly.

A: Terrible song.

It is a catchy tune with a great video. Plus, it is making fun of Korean elite culture on top of it.

Why do all spaceships have wings?

Evan, I really appreciate these write-ups on comics. You have helped me discover some GREAT new books I would have never considered without your watchful eye.

This isn't a scientific study at all. It is a survey of some teenagers. You could realistically prove that almost anything could make you more aggressive if you polled the exact same group.

Kung Fu Hustle should have been featured for sure. Crazy fight scenes.

I have to give props to Microsoft for live streaming the debate. I am getting a beautiful HD stream. The live interactive polls are also a great little addition, although, if Romney's people are seeing the poll numbers on Xbox Live, they must be shitting a brick.

Valve in technically indie.

It isn't a sword. It is Balin's Mace.