
These are clearly retouched (or not even actual screenshots at all). Look at the second and third pictures. The "solar flare" in the top left is identical for both images.


It was 40% off Saturday. I got it for 17.99 USD.

I have done with with pictures of my kids in Minecraft so the could get a good laugh out of it. It takes all of 10 minutes and requires no building at all really.

Okay, if the story line of your game (it is a dance game why even use a story line in the first place?) is so stupidly absurd that even the lead writer WHO F-ING WROTE IT can't hide the embarrassing laughter at how ridiculous it sounds when discussing the game, you might want to reconsider what you wrote. It seriously

I haven't seen Adam Sandler's movie Jack or Jill. Why? Because I saw the trailers, read a couple of reviews and was able to form a pretty solid opinion of the movie from them. You don't have to stand in line at E3 or Comic-con to actually play something to form an opinion about it.

I didn't say THE world I said HIS world.

Oh, I'd probably give my left arm (well not that I'd need to to play) to play this game right now. I said in an earlier comment how pathetic it was that I wish I had a time machine not so I could go back in time and save the world from Hitler or stop AIDS or something noble, but so I could go a few months in the

Is your world going to cease to be if you don't get to play those three games ever? No.

No, I didn't, but there is this cool thing called YouTube where you can watch videos and this other really cool thing called The Internet where you can read other people's professional and personal experiences and previews of the game. That can help you have a pretty good idea of what the game is all about.

Do you think that games just magically appear on DVD's and that boxes just materialize out of thin air?They have to replicate the gold masters to millions of discs, creating packaging, fill boxes, and ship them all over the world. They also have a clear release window for a specific financial quarter. They are a

It isn't important to the world at all. In the least bit. It never will be.

For 5 minutes! YAY!

Let's see.....I have three 360's, one PS3, two Wii's, three gaming PC's, a Super Nintendo, and the good, old Atari 3600.

Choosing colonial America for the setting for ACIII was a bold, unexpected move. I'll admit that I scratched my head at the idea when it was first announced, but after seeing screenshots and gameplay footage, I was sold. I can't wait to play it.

".....listen to what players are saying to make it the best game it can be.

And not a single legendary.

It is a clear, blatant ripoff. No question. Runic games is without question correct by calling them out for ripping them off. I mean the sound files are all the exact same names, even with the same misspellings from Runic.

Why is this such a huge fucking deal? EA tried to get the song and it wasn't worth the cost. End of story.

I know, right. Double-strapped? Dude...