Manuals have been useless for years now. Hell, some games don't even have one any more.
Manuals have been useless for years now. Hell, some games don't even have one any more.
You're still ugly!
I got a new Vita and three games for free a few months ago (friend owed me big time). While I think it is a great piece of hardware and I have no complaints, it just don't find any interest at all in using it. My iPad does 90% of what it does (and does it better) and, not to be cliche, but it is seriously lacking in…
Yep, I got 33/93 without cheating or searching. I am pretty proud of myself. Some of those are impossible even with hints and screenshots.
I wish you people would drop this shit already. You've known for over a year that there was no offline mode. It is clearly labeled on the packaging and on the website when buying online. It is in the EULA that you agreed to in order to play the game. aren't going to play a Halo game ever again because you can crouch? Really?
FYI the dial-in authenticator DOES NOT work with Diablo 3. Do not use it.
Honestly, making a third-party exclusive for any Nintendo product is suicide for a developer's bottom line. They have a distinct history of almost always being massive under-sellers.
Exactly. The controller becomes an extension of your fingers and hands. You literally lose sight of the fact that you are holding a controller. It is instinctive, like driving a car.
I really like the designs in Transformers: Prime. They are still Gen 1-ish, but they did the changes right. Prime's Megatron still looks enough like the original Megtron to be instantly recognizable.
For reference. 1:48 for the exact screen grab.
The 3DS is basically one screen visually. Chances are you'll spend more time looking down than up with the Wii U implementation. Why force people to do that for simple things like maps. They could have easily (and most likely much easier that putting coding it to the controller) put a mini-map overlay on screen and…
Not trying to be a dick here, you you are out of your mind if you think the Bay Transformers are better in any way. While the Bay Transformers were adequate at best and Dark Side of the Moon was a decent movie, the movies would have been an order of magnitude better if they stuck with the Gen 1, even though I…
At first I was like "holy balls an open world Lego game!", but after watching this video, it is clear that the controls and the need to stare down at the "gamepad" for things as simple as a map completely ruins it for me. Just put the fucking map on the screen, ditch the WiiU controller and give me a normal controller…
Not only that, but Rescue's armor is much better looking that this "movie Iron Man with boobs" armor.
Man, that was deliciously interesting, like a perfectly cooked steak to the brain. I could lose myself in a conversation with him.
Don't worry, they'll sell you a new controller with a new, improved battery 6 months after you buy the WiiU.
First of all, he did not say that there was a new ending at all. He said there was "new end content" which has already been discussed and confirmed by just about the entire internet. The DLC will "expand upon events at the end" and will add "clarity" to the game's ending.
They never, ever said it would be the last Gears of War game. They said it was the last in the trilogy they started and finished in Gears 1-3.