
My local Fry's had about 10 copies of the PC version (sold out of both 360 and PS3) and two Gamestops had 3-4 PC copies per store at least. Sounds like you just had bad timing.

The Vita is in an entirely different class than the 3DS. It is unfair to even compare them, just like it is unfair to compare the PS3 or 360 to the Wii.

I have all of these and every other NES and SNES game ever made emulated on my original PSP. I play it all the time.

Him screaming "NOOOOOOOO!" during that scene completely ruins the entire moment. Vader's silence through that whole thing is what made it so good. I hope these are just rumors and not true.

It is at the 1:30 mark FYI.

I used to manage the QA team at Westwood Studios. At one point I had almost 80 people working for me. I tried to treat them fairly, but schedules and crunch-times were out of my hands. It is a shitty job sometimes, but we all loved it because we were making games at Westwood fucking Studios. How can you beat that

Completely serious. Then I'd have to buy $40 a piece for ports of games I have already beaten several times over.

Fuck. Can't unsee that shit.

I still wouldn't want one.


I am digging that Robocop. Well done!

I have the 360 version installed on my hard drive and the load times are no where NEAR this bad. I don't even notice it honestly and I am a long load time hater to the core.

The final Omeganaut round is without question the best thing at PAX. Missing it should be a crime if you have a three day.

This will be the second year since PAX started that I won't be going. My newborn son takes priority.

Nothing is free. Nothing.

Monday Night Combat is a fantastic game. I really enjoyed it. This sounds and looks promising, but I am not sold yet.

Most of the buildings have hotkeys already set up. Ctrl+C is your town center for example.

It was released last week.

HAHAHAHA gaming on a MAC. That's like trying to drag race in a Yugo.

EA can say whatever the fuck they want, but the bottom line is that if they use their own service for their games, they can nickel and dime the shit out of people however they want with DLC. Complete draconian control over everything. It is going to suck balls.