
The PX5 are what you are looking for, but you'll need to buy an additional PC adapter for $10 from their website.

I really enjoyed Uncharted 2 single player, but I didn't like multiplayer at all. I have zero desire to revisit Uncharted multiplayer at any time in the future.

I have the MGS4 PS3 and I love it.

@Obi_Al_Kenobi: Yes, crushed his dreams. I don't agree with what Hotz did. I think is a cocky douche and took it too far. That being said, I also think Sony was totally out of line with their approach and how they handled the situation. Perhaps Hotz wanted to go into the gaming industry. That isn't going to

Microsoft does this type of stuff all the time. Every time they develop a new OS, they invite some of the best hackers from around the world to their offices and turn them lose on their Alpha version. If anyone can crack/hack it, they get a nice cash prize. They then use the knowledge gleaned from watching these

Much respect for our service members overseas and at home. As a fellow vet, I am just glad that everyone was still around for hugs at the end.

Words cannot describe how badly I want to play this game.


Having been part of MMO development (Earth and Beyond), I can completely agree with numbers 2 and 3. It was pure, non-stop working hell. Twenty hour shifts, sleeping under my desk on a cot, showering at work, never seeing my (ex) wife and daughter were all just an accepted part of my job for 7 straight months at the

Why is the ability to run over random pedestrians such a big deal? We've had two posts on it now, with video accompaniment, and I still don't get the fascination.

Exactly the same recommendations I would suggest, especially Skies of Arcadia.

She is a bland, unattractive gopher in Resident Evil, but she is a beautiful, delicate flower in The Fifth Element.

Honestly, it is 2011. Why in the fuck does it matter if a game reviewer, or anyone else in the world, is gay or transgendered? We should, as a society, be past this by now. Well past this.

I am not saying that our fictional House of Neckties or CCG is wrong. At all. I am saying when you label yourself in such a way that you are creating an slant or perception based on name alone, you are creating, but not directly, a false pretense of what visitors should expect.

The best way that I can describe this is say I was shopping for a new necktie. Many stores sell neckties. Almost all stores that sell neckties ALSO sell many other things. I expect that. If I were to decide to start my necktie shopping excursion at The House of Neckties, I think it is safe to say that having a

Here's the problem. Once you label yourself Christian game reviews or Muslim game reviews, or White Power game reviews or Japanese Geek game reviews or Mountain Dew Drinker's game reviews, you are pigeonholing yourself into a perceived expectation that your reviews will be oriented toward your belief in the

Yeah, that's what I meant. When I noticed it, my edit rights were gone.

From the Youtube description:

The same thing happened when I worked at Westwood Studios. EA would market the hell out of the C&C RTS games (obviously), but games like Nox, Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat or Emperor: Battle for Dune received very little marketing push from EA. Hell, even Earth and Beyond and Command and Conquer: Renegade didn't

Friends codes are the absolute worst possible thing to happen to modern gaming aside from motion controls. I don't know a single person, young or old, that thinks friend codes are a good idea. Nintendo was trying something to "protect the children" but ended up making their online capabilities crippled in every way.