
My inner childhood D&D nerd just shit himself.

Why attack a guy for doing his job? He gets paid by Microsoft to perform a duty and I am glad he does it.

Dungeon Siege was great. Dungeon Siege 2 was average at best. I am hoping for great things from Dungeon Siege 3. I am sure I'll buy it, but if it came down to it, I'd buy Diablo 3 twice before even considering Dungeon Siege 3.

I am going to turn this around on you. I am neither jaded nor a douche (usually). I 100% agree with you that "gamers" on gaming site, much less so on Kotaku thankfully, are ruining the badge of honor that is gamer. They are ruining it in a different way, however, and your comment is illustrates why.

I didn't find a single one of these clever or funny in any way at all. I guess after years of the same old bullshit from the internet on April 1st, these tired, uncreative things become the opposite of funny.

Are you honestly saying that Madden fans won't buy the next game because of who is on the cover? Seriously?

From the post: "As part of this restructuring, SOE is discontinuing production of The Agency so it can focus development resources on delivering two new MMOs based on its renowned PlanetSide and EverQuest properties, while also maintaining its current portfolio of online games."

Horrible costume. Absolutely horrible. It is better than the latex and high heels thing they had going before, but I am not digging it at all.

The game sucked. It cost them millions of dollars. They are just one of hundreds of games and developers that have used the Unreal engine successfully before and since. Instead of simply eating crow, they are pointing fingers at Epic saying that their engine was to blame. They engine was the last thing Dyack

Don't blame anyone but yourselves for that steaming pile of shit that was Too Human. Dyack is a douche.

That looks all kinds of awesome!

What's funny is almost all commentors below missed this little line from the post: "For the full, often saddening rundown, see the highly scientific and 100% made-up article below."

A word of advice, turn off the sound for this video. The guy commentating the video is an absolute tool.

I kinda miss those clickity-clackity keyboards.

Oh man Final Fantasy tactics on iPad would be delicious.

And how would that work? Gods of War? No.

Put FFVII on the iPad at $15 and I'll buy it twice. Maybe even thrice.

Some games simply don't need multiplayer at all. This is one of them.

Amazing. I love when gamers represent like this.