
dem overheads son

Hori make some nice sticks, but I'll stick with my TE. It has served me quite well. Although there is another that interests me...

Sony, why u make me sad before the holidays

Carmen Sandiego is back!!! Time to call Crime Net

You need too. Besides BSG and maybe Buffy, the Wire is the my favorite show of all time. Just so many characters to get attached too. (Omar's comin!!!)

Make it happen Rockstar

Luffy dares somebody to hate on the Ultimate One Piece PS3.

Hey its a game that finally will make me want to own a move. How bout that.

I'm learning Japanese right now and I know I sound 1000x worse than that. (damn r's) So yeah she did fine. Learning a new language is hard.

So what I got out of this article is I can set my self on fire like the human torch and be perfectly fine. Alright time to get to it.

I was waiting for the 20 second pause followed by "I am the supervisor"

Most successful troll article of all time.

Everything I need to know about "The Last of Us" happens in the first 20 seconds of that trailer.

Zombie game with ant fungus. Color me intrigued.

Kojima I love you even if your painfully dying on stage

squee Bioshock Infinite!!!

Im gonna try to not start a flame war but besides Gears and Forza what else is there...