Depends when you start work. Some people start at 5 and have had breakfast so by the time they’ve worked 4 hours and it’s their ‘lunch,’ most blessed people might still have yet to eat their first meal
Depends when you start work. Some people start at 5 and have had breakfast so by the time they’ve worked 4 hours and it’s their ‘lunch,’ most blessed people might still have yet to eat their first meal
Football is shit. We should be talking about schemes and certain route trees with excitement and reverance. That’s what we do with the NBA when we talk about pick and roll vs spacing basketball and, iono, other stuff like the magic of those training staffs in Phoenix and Oakland to put bodies back together. Football…
Fuuuuuuckkkkkkkk Tesla on every level
Yeah it’s like they are threatened by it or something. I’m sure there’s a concept in Group Psychology that explains the annoying reactions from the haters. For all the love that some ridiculous automobiles have what is one more?
Maybe Renault doesn’t have the best people working for them. Iono. This is honestly up to the teams and not me but I just figured that if you don’t have the benefit of money like Ferrari, Mercedes, red bull then you won’t have hired the best people which, in the case of formula 1, makes all the difference for those…
But so, like, the most successful engines are the ones whose engineers have the most dats on them. The most data means multiple teams using the same engine. So your wish means that one or two engines will dominate because they have immense loads of data from multiple teams and the rest of the engines will consistently…
They have poor training
I’m running for office on this platform: If your vehicle isn’t the quietest it can possibly be you are an asshole. If your vehicle was made extra loud on purpose you are still an asshole. And if you get hearing loss traveling on your extra loud motorcycle I get to openly judge you. Also free health Care and college…
I believe in science. Unless it disagrees with me. Then I find or fund more research until it does agree with me.
Dude thats me With the Angels Lakers clippers and dodgers. When the organization is being shitty and mediocre either as people, results or both, you hate the team. And when they start to do intelligent productive things that build a winning sustainable culture you’ll start to like them again.
I don’t understand why Disney doesn’t just hire you to iron out inconsistencies in their film franchise’s worlds. They wouldn’t even have to pay you: anytime it came up they’d say something like “but first, can you take a quick look at our Cars 4 outline? We’re wanting lightning McQueen to have a baby.”
Literally my favorite show. I love how storylines and characters are around for short times and move on to always more interesting ideas. And if you really miss something they always go back to it. And for a show ostensibly from the female perspective written by females and with lots of great female acting talent the…
Okay, Milk Man. But the ‘scientific evidence’ the league used to even classify as or explain why the balls were deflated was suspect, if I recall. Unrelatedly, how have you liked the last few Deerhoof albums? I feel like something is missing, but maybe that’s just me.
You know who is that smart? Jerry Jones.
Yes yes yessssss. Let’s all look at what is happening and see how it benefits the parties. Off the top of my head the League gets to look tough and morally superior by suspending someone for domestic violence. The players union gets a ‘win’ against Roger Goodell and those plantation owners—i mean, just owners—and fans…
It’s unfortunate the officer said what he did, especially in today’s climate and with today’s technology. The only excuse I’ll give him is that officers will basically say anything, even bald faced lies, to gain voluntary compliance. Voluntary compliance is where the other person does what is asked of them…
You guys should hire Kaiser Khan. It’s important to have a ranter on staff. It’ll keep things fresh in between all of you say-everything-just-the-right-way-especially-when-it’s-the-wrong-thing-to-say-because-that-proves-you’re-smart writers.
Yes but Does it come in a manual?
Oh so Williams will suddenly become good at aero with Alonso on board? This is better than a lateral move but at most he’d battle with Red Bull or Kimi for 5-6 place. Obviously better than Honda but this is goddamm Fernando Alonso !!