Like, guys who got raped in a frat by the other members?
Like, guys who got raped in a frat by the other members?
Then what’s your take on all the smarmy patriotic BS the NFL gets paid to do before games?
Lol sex helps. But seriously belittling is a non starter. Everything else is known to be doable. You can disagree about Trump( I mean, physically it’s possible to do it in this reality, even if morally and ethically lots disagree about this possibility). But you can’t disrespect the person you’re supposed to love. So…
Who is that man in the photo? It does not appear to be Chris Evans
So if the poor A’s pay for their stadium with public money how will Deadspin react?
Well, most of the good GMs haven’t won. Fewer have won multiple times, and isn’t that the sign of a great GM? I bet if you compare the payroll of the GMs who’ve won multiple titles to Billy Beane’s payroll you’ll find a significant difference. As for the current season, I wonder if Beane had the Dodgers’ ability to…
What do you bet the silicon valley weirdos that own the warriors found some way to hack and threaten the rockets owner into selling?
Ooooh. See, I had heard something about tapes and tapes, and more tapes. Like, seriously, that many tapes.
What about being a Michael Jackson fan? He had, like, torture porn, animal porn, and child porn at his place, right? That’s not a great indication of him as a person. I’ve also heard conspiracy theories that the white establishment planted those tapes to make a powerful black star look bad. So who knows. But still,…
+1 for trying.
Lol yeah. Like these folks are gonna tie their lives to a gizmo. Honestly, suggestions like this make me just say hey, go ahead and try it. Let us know how it went. And if you really feel passionately about it, I hope you find a forum in real life where you can stand in front of officers and suggest this idea. I would…
Eh artest broke Jordans ribs or whatever. Had that not happened, ‘t’would have been lit.
Because sporting events are fun! Most NBA teams are good enough and that practically guarantees at least one good team a night. And there are only so many available seats situated in a city of millions of people willing to buy Knicks tickets aftermarket, hopefully at a discount. It’s like the teeth in a shark’s jaw:…
At this point Melo’s value is as a finisher in the playoffs. He doesn’t get a franchise enough return on the investment at a Max salary. And every year that goes by makes him increasingly a worse investment. I guess holding out for an extra pick or decent bench guy is worth it? Or maybe moving on with a smart…
+1 for Sun Ra
Hey they’re pretty solid thinkers for guys with boxer’s brain.
You should have a 7 year old, then
Yes, but if a catch that was ruled not a catch is still a catch and yet was not counted as a catch and is therefore not a catch, how was it a catch?
Something that was glossed over: will Smith is the genie?? Fuck this movie, then. He has no talent and yet keeps on getting cast in these movies. My only hope is the genie is CGIed enough that I don’t have to see the furrowed brow/puppy dog eye look that’s his go to ‘emotional’ face. Pathetic.
+1 Crazy Horse