It’ll be so ironic when bean balls cause the very CTE he thought he’d avoided by not continuing a football career.
It’ll be so ironic when bean balls cause the very CTE he thought he’d avoided by not continuing a football career.
Well, she was an image based celebrity. She got attention by publishing photos of her body in various states usually though to look sexual and show off her ginormous ass or what not. Then she goes through a rough time and suddenly didn’t want every little detail of her body focused on by the media. Which is…
2nd at bat they intentionally walked him during the game break Red Sox highlight videos!
That actually looks really good!
It’s that, but is belinelli bad now? I know I could look it up right now but I’m feeling old school. Cuz if he’s alright he’s reuniting with a Spurs style offense, which is where he had the most success. And the Hawks like shooters. Losing nothing by letting go of Howard and replacing him with a Plumblee plus adding a…
The fact that the Lakers couldn’t convince Vivek of all people to make Russell their point guard of the future says it all about his perception around the league.
So then the Lakers would get Fultz along with George? Okay fine. Hell if they’re smart they’ll trade for Porzingis and then sign George when he’s a free agent and have:
See, now I think it’s toolish to wear your OWN car brand’s shirt. It’s like wearing a Radiohead shirt to a Radiohead concert. Nerdy as fuck. Imagine if I had a gti shirt and you watched me get into my GTI? I’m shuddering right now at the damn thought.
Oh also they are easy to get out of which helps when you have 70 lbs excess weight.
Crossovers are the Starbucks of cars in that they convey just how low the bar of quality has been set by the owner.
Stop it you’ll make some poor geeks’ heads explode
For me it would be the idea that I could go to a game and one time in maybe 50 games I’ll attend in my life a home run comes my way and he’ll swoop in and take it even though his seat was nowhere near mine. Ya know? Just one ball would be sweet. And he’s doing everything in his power to make sure I don’t get it. And…
Oh, you mean “Does form follow function?” Well you have a point but you’re forgetting that a car is more than just a vehicle, it’s also product by which a company makes profit. If its appearance hinders its ability to sell, then the appearance must change. Therefore, putting a fake grill for form’s sake allows it to…
Yeah but who the hell are you to judge people for feeling bad for the bull, who is slowly murdered for entertainment? If you can’t acknowledge those perfectly understandable feelings then you’re a fucking dick. Oh and by the way if that man had a loving family he doesn’t need our support. Especially because he’s dead…
Oh is that what rice (r) meant? I always thought it had something to do with a stereotype that asian people eat rice and therefore any car modified similarly to how they might do it in a predominantly asian culture was a ricer car. But glad it isn’t some shitty offensive term, it’s just a stupid acronym.
When will using rice be offensive?
Can you imagine if he drops to the Kings of all places?
Oh my god of course! If Jackson was promised by Boston why would he need to work out with them? By the way is Chad Ford just making this up, or is there some kind of rule that a reporter person has to have an actual source, who they conveniently never have to reveal?
What about.... Leasing???
When done right it can be quite entertaining!