Not just the ceiling. The coaches will mitigate any flaws in Lowry’s game. His shot is nice now but a few more percentage points on his 3 and overall FG? Dayum
Not just the ceiling. The coaches will mitigate any flaws in Lowry’s game. His shot is nice now but a few more percentage points on his 3 and overall FG? Dayum
But Conley got 30 mil. Lowry is a better scorer and Toronto perhaps more desperate to be relevant in Curling country. Not to mention that hockey is pretty big too.
Why the hell not go to Spurs camp for a couple seasons? You get paid to play under the best coach and get all the holes in your game plugged. Plus you get serious playoff experience and all those things add up to more money, right? Not to forget the River Walk
Those safety features are literally advertised towards bad, irresponsible drivers. The kind of people who don’t look at the road, aren’t aware of their surroundings, and for whatever reason are always peering at their phone and driving 40 mph+. No wonder autonomous cars are coming, these folks apparently don’t want to…
You don’t have a great point ...but it’s not turrible. However it just so happens you’d need a great point to undermine the entire premise for an article that took some time and effort. If it didn’t, then fuck Burneko and his candy ass, using the bully pulpit to shame a dissenter! How Trumpian
One low-key great thing about addiction is that there’s probably a story for every interest/hobby. I’m eagerly awaiting the Kinja social justice commenting addiction piece.
They let you take a brand new car to a mechanic?
Ugh yeah
As I CLippers fan i seriously don’t even mind we lost to them. Quinn Snyder looks so cool, Hayward is awesome, and mike smith gets so excited talking about them I become hopeful he’ll get fired from broadcasting for us. Plus I feel like they’re rebuild started around the same time the Clippers got good. So it was…
Oh wow a new York Yankee that isn’t butt or hasn’t a butt personality...yet
“There’s 62 of us.”
I’m so excited about the Rams coaching staff. Not only did they pick up an offensive coach that I believe will develop the diamonds in the rough they’re forced to get, and he’ll make Jared Goff look as good as I know he can be, but the best part is we are Improving on the defensive side of the ball by getting probably…
You took the words right out of my thumbs
When I say they should get Austin Rivers, please don’t laugh. I’m serious. He shot 40% from three with a hitch in his shot that makes his inconsistent especially at crucial moments. And he is capable of getting to the whole like few else but almost always blows the finish. So if he gets some help from Engelland and…
Yup as a basketball player, he is dead from the waist down. No quickness, lateral movement. He was this butt but everyone started giving him a whole lotta credit for what he does really well. Which ain’t enough!
I like Dwight Howard. He’s funny when he’s sad.
So Tom Ley has bears, Alanis King has cats, Torch has human/car hybrids....such an interesting group of writers
Especially in the ‘post steroid era’
Lol exactly! “400 mg of caffeine, or one Venti coffee from Starbucks....”
Maybe they legitimately thought the Browns were taking Trubinsky and, when they realized he was on the board, scrambled to prevent the Niners from picking him, either. Which, to recap, would mean the Bears have the worst, least connected front office in the league.