
I tried but I can’t watch it! Something about the emotion in song makes it too much for me. He’s trying way harder than most people do with a higher degree of potential embarrassment amplified by it being that opera style or whatever you’d call or it. I have to give him my props. For the 3 seconds I watched, anyway

You should consider buying ONE Jeep in perfect working order but then you’d probably twiddle your thumbs until they fell off or get into heroin out of boredom. I’m sorry

In this guy’s defense, every time I meet a guy with a voice like the photographer’s, Ill make up anything to get him and his friends the fuck away from me.

What?! No! Max and Marcellus was one of the best sports radio shows I listen to. Marcellus was obviously the only fair, knowledgeable, and talented one on the show but Max’s wry humor kept the show lively. You could tell more than with other hosts that he knew everything he said was BS (especially when pertaining to

No, because I’m not into that. And his behavior at bars is socially repellant. Drinks to excess, cries, blatantly tries to steal the girl you’re talking to, etc. Of course, I’m guilty of the same from time to time, but then again I’m not an alcoholic who faked that his sister was dying of cancer.

A co-worker probably faked that his sister had cancer to cover for disappearing during the busiest work week of the year. Why do I think he probably faked it? Because it turned out he’s an alcoholic with at least 4 DUIs and he later told a girl he was hooking up with that he had cancer when she wanted to end it

His friend spoke to him after the incident and told him to go on an exotic vacation. These were that friend’s words: “Yeah and you don’t need to hire an Explorer to take an Expedition, despite what many will say.. And whoever does you can tell the whole lot of them off for whatever, saying F—this, F—that, F 150 of all

Haha clearly. I, personally, wonder what he thinks of trying out the role of GM.

Yes my dream of color commentator for the Clippers (when they finally fulfill whatever secret shameful obligation they owe Mike Smith) is Kimi Raikkonen.

26? What a pervert. Oh, sorry, jealousy is always saying things when I’m not paying attention

As one of those 3, I called to congratulate the network on loosening language obscenity restrictions, and I let them know I would pay extra for an uncensored mic-ed up broadcast without announcers or commercials.

Lol, they’re fuckin baller, you fool!

I wish any of my college courses had included a discussion of that phrase. Like, what is behind such a question, why has it persisted for so long, etc.

If only theyd put career advice in book form youd be set!

Apples:a red tasty fruit::bill Simmons:a cock that’s shot it’s load a long time ago and is stuck in an infinite refractory period.

Yeah, like what if Michael Jordan wasn’t as good as he was? Or what if in football a touchdown was worth 5 points? The ultimate: what if Powerade had beaten Gatorade??

Are you an old-school retired basketball player and failed coach having trouble maintaining an erection? Try visualizing the on-court play of the projected 2016-17 Chicago Bulls starting lineup.

Volkswagen GTI S. Got it new for $22500 thanks to Costco. It was either that or a Mazda 3, or a used Miata, or a Subaru WRX. Huh, looks like I had plenty of solid choices in FWD, RWD, or AWD. Just do some fucking research, people! I compared Consumer Reports to Jalopnik, read a glowing long-term test article from Car

I was born a year or two after Challenger. So, I guess I’m a millennial. But I remember a world before computers and the internet. Honest to God, I prefer it so fuckin much. Bring back the good ol’ days!

No it’s someone from Jalopnick