
It’s great advice, and all - but what if you’re black?

One of my favorite scenes. I used to have the slice shot on a shirt. (say that 5 times fast)

to be fair by the end of the series Krillin is the strongest human on the planet.

I hope they do bring this game westward.

I’m hungry...

Because - Superman?

....why does the moon have a terminator face?

How is NO one simulcasting this!?

Best part was next episode’s preview with Vegeta being a family man.

I thought tilling the land by hand was part of Turtle Hermit’s training.

This feels unnecessarily harsh, Phil. It’s placeholder box art! I’m as skeptical of kickstarters as anyone — probably more — but it feels a little off-the-mark to rail against a game so many people are excited about because the placeholder art looks like... placeholder art.

Hah, Delly as Krillan is great. I somehow missed that one, but man it’s way fitting. Looked like a badass for a few games, then pretty much died midway through game 4 and LeBron wasn’t able to gather the rest of the DragonBalls to revive him before the series was over.

Fuck. I’m actually crying.

I remember it like it was yesterday - my first day at work. “Who the hell are you??” I thundered. “Who do you think I am??” my coworkers screamed, as we battled throughout the plant for hours. Each time I met a new cube-mate, there was an epic melee.

Every time I think they can't make a costume worse at DC, they prove me wrong. Newsflash, DC - this is Superman and this is Wonder Woman: