
It's so tiny, make it bigger so you can actually use it... Please...

The clean one is just made for me. I only expect cutting the unnecessary characters like "ą" or "ę" because I'm from Poland and if I use these characters, the lenghth of the message will be shortened to 60 characters whick sucks by the way ;]

Yeah, routers are a pain in the ass...

You probably are able to do this, but the quality is not so appealing...

Love the icon set ;]

Maybe AirDroid? No USB cable for ever!!!

Is there any way to find an account on websites I us no more? And I'm talking about not so known websites.

Nexus 7 of Surface - that's what I'd choose between. Kaboom!

You're totally right. Why wouldn't they just release a nicely priced smartphone with a current OS? Nokia logic.

Flipboard on Android, but when I'll get my Kindle later this year, I'll transfer all my reads to Kindle.

Uniball Jetstreams are my only choice. As I started to use them, I can never change these magnificent pens.

I share my laptop with borther so it's not so that doesn't drive me mad. but when someone asks to lend him my smartphone I have to refuse. it's too provate device for me, I keep my photos there, my contacts, my sms, my todos, and I don't want annyone to look at them.

Totally true for me too.