
Well when the giraffe starts to get spotty, making bread out of it is better than tossing it out.

Meh, I look at reality shows and all I see is the editing. With enough footage of a group of people, you can tell any story you want. So all I see is stories. They're no more motivating than a mediocre fluff piece on the news

Raise your hand if you did this test with your crummy laptop speakers!

Honestly your best plan is to use both cloud and local, and plan to review every five years or so to move it to the most current technology while the old technology is still readily available to move it.

If you're burning data to a DVD (And why not, they'll NEVER fall out of favour!) Don't fill the whole disk. They'll start to decay from the edges in, so the data stored towards the edge of the disk will become unreadable sooner. boost their longevity by not using the whole disk

I've always said, the only person qualified to judge whether the milk has gone bad is the person with the milk. Not the machine that stamped the carton weeks ago. I've used perfectly good milk more than a week past its date. I've also thrown away bad milk a week before the date.

How about an automatic litter box changing system?

I think the tip is to consider places to find deals on regular groceries besides just going to a different grocery store, which is what most people do.

Careful with that music you used to like. Ten years from now you'll freakin love it again. Trust me, hold onto it!

It's there. command-click or just go into the prefs of each app and unclick "Show in menubar". I just let them pile up in the order I installed them.

Social media slowly replaced RSS for me. I was using NetNewsWire all the time when I first started on Twitter. Now I never touch it. Between Twitter and GooglePlus, I get more than enough news to read. I still read my local papers online so I get starting points for regular news.

Run the scoop under hot water first if your ice cream is too hard! That's what I used to do when I worked in my sister's ice cream shop.

It'll cost ya five bucks!

I always replace phillips with Robertson when I'm working on something around the house. Well, not always, but If I think there's a chance I might have to take it apart again, definitely.

Another way to get a fresh, properly brewed cup of coffee is to spend a bit of time with your own coffee maker and really learn how to make a pot of coffee exactly to your liking. It's not hard.

I'm not cool at all, I just hate starbucks because it tastes like shit and costs too much

#Tip If you think there isn't much going on on Google+, then go to the Google+ search field and type "Shared circle". If you like, you can modify that with extra info, like "Shared circle technology" or "Shared circle furries"

Click on this Google+ search