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Relax man, your too tense!

I lol'd

Hmmm, looks like a cross between the "E" and "1701", I also get a "C" from her as well.

Actually 2 are still around. He has a daughter in the Vale. I don't think it was mentioned in the show, but in the book Robert fathered a bastard daughter when he was 16 I think. When Cat goes to the vale with the Imp, it's heavily implied that the young girl with the donkey leading Cat up the mountain to the

Remember: The Unsullied will obey any command that is given to them by their owner. I give you one of my dragons, for 8k armed men that will only OBEY me and no one else, not even their trainer.... what do you think I would do if I wanted to get my dragon back?

yeah, that sword was not needle, it was castle forge swords made by Gendry in Harranhal when he was a blacksmith there.....

Capes are disasters waiting to happen.... IE: The Incredibles

I blame Natalie Portman for everyone saying Chris Hemsworth's acting was sub-par..... have you ever tried to act along side a soul less wench who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag?

Saw the image in my feed and was hoping someone had captioned that!


Jurassic Park was the first real "Adult" novel my parents ever let me read. I read it in 48 hours. I ended up rereading it over and over again! With each reading I discovered something I must of skipped over in my haste to finish to the book.

yeah, AM was my first thought when I read the headline of the article.

You pretty much nailed it there my friend.

So not alone with the man-crush on Cumberbatch!

Reminds me of the time I saw BTTF 3. I spend days, months, recreating the train sequence with my legos at the time!

I miss my legos! They were all blown away during Hurricane Fran!

All in all, guy does have some nice artwork!


Instresting, mine was -[NT]-KeVin my wife was -[NT]- Miz_Jennay

Ditto, first gaming clan was Jk2, [NT} Clan (new temple of the jedi) had some great memories dueling with other clans! lots of clean fun!