
It essentially means that no world, no star system, etc. is created by the developers themselves. Instead, they have created a set of assets (trees, rocks, creatures, etc.) and programmed into their engine a list of parameters (a desert planet should have few trees and little water, for example) that together create

Yes, I have quesh. Eeeeef Crank Dong ees Tropic Freeze, is still Yonkey Dong Country or is Yanky Krong take over country, thank you.

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Yeah...because the company that has the most time to prepare is obviously going to have the worse launch. PS only fans are so delusional.

This year's costume is simply Divine!

Tch, kids these days...

She's way too good for him.

She looks like Janice right? Not snarky, she's a pretty lady, but there is definitely a Janice vibe going on.

Not to get racial, but a lot of these execs are coming from homes where drinking is normalised and then they go to college and enter mostly white frats and drink a bunch. I don't want to say that white people are all alcoholics, but it does seem like something that activists in the white community might want to focus

Ugh. As a small business owner and a person who does a large quantity of shopping online - stop!

Her opinion on LGBTQ people is even more wrong than her opinion on shoulder pads.

Her face makes me want to quote every line from Wizard People that refers to the Family Porkums.

It's called Tuesday where I come from.

pretty much