About lackluster service at The Palm?
About lackluster service at The Palm?
His writing style had turned in to an eating contest between Wilbon and Peter King.
Is 30 for 30 still an A-list star?? Jim Carrey syndrome guys!
It was a great run, 30 for 30, you can hang it up now.
Ah Boston: where white guys still stab each other. And play running back.
Human foosball.
Having to control the ball on that shitty plastic pitch added to the impressiveness.
That's great. Quick question: what's a TSN?
Filed to: NO SHIT
When the University of Maryland banned it (because students were chanting "you suck", not because of Glitter's pedophilia), the students took to singing a capella. One of many College Park fan related facepalms:
Obligatory "yeah and Adam Morrison has two rings" reply.
Successful people tend to get rich, comfortable and bloated off fatted calf — then coast. It's understandable. Though I guess it makes you appreciate the actors who have been successful for ages, like the aforementioned Day-Lewis or, say, Julianne Moore who are clearly wealthy beyond belief but constantly put out…
"It is unclear if he actually pursued a career with the CIA."
"Is there any decent Dutch beer that they're keeping for themselves, at least?"
"because Stan's teams barely try to win"
You misspelled Ann Perkins. And Rashida Jones is beautiful. I don't watch the show. Thank you I am not a crackpot.