
Some of us have discalculia.

You're a cheapskate.

You want AdBlock Edge.

A lot. Two words. One 'L'.

AdBlock Edge is the good one.

It's mindboggling that the advertising industry even still exists. Everyone loathes ads. If an ad is intrusive enough that I realize what it's for I boycott the product/company on principle.

WeBlock for iOS and Glimmerblocker for OS X can ensure you never see ads while using your iOS device on WiFi.

You type fat.

It's soy.

The problem is soy. Stop eating soy. It's in nearly all processed American foods. It is an estrogen mimic and is wreaking havoc on the endocrine systems of every American without an estrogen deficiency. Also, avoid meat, dairy and eggs taken from animals who were fed soy.

Try going soy free instead. The problem is soy which is in nearly every processed American food from ketchup to cereal to frozen french fries to salad dressing to meatballs. Soy is an estrogen mimic. Unless you have an estrogen deficiency, consuming pounds of soy every day will cause your endocrine to completely

It's the soy they put in everything. It's in everything. Start looking at the ingedients in your salad dressing, ketchup, meatballs, cereal, processed cheeses, breads, frozen french fries, crackers, etc. I guarantee you will feel better if you cut soy (and other estrogen mimics like flax, cat's claw, etc.) completely

You sound annoying. You're probably inconsiderate in all aspects of your life. Other people exist.

Ok, this one comes with recordings.

This one doesn't have any prerecorded jokes but you can record your own sounds/warnings/messages/whatever: Talking Toilet Paper Spindle I'll see if I can find the one with the pre-recorded jokes.

Except that Pale Moon does not have a Mac version.

I just wish there was a way to actually get rid of the iOS 7 stock contacts app (etc.); the icon is so ugly. I have it buried in a connectivity folder and just access the contacts through the dialer…which makes one wonder why both apps need to exist in the first place.

HandBrake Batch is the equivalent for Mac users.

I attached an off/on (light) switch to my doorbell so people would stop waking me up.

I just want one of those toilet paper rolls that tells jokes when you spin it.