
I also experience a severe uptick in my tendon, muscle and neuropathic pain when I am exposed to soy. It's so difficult to find foods that do not contain it. They put it in absolutely everything and often for no discernible reason other than having been subsidized to grow it and now having so much they have to put it

It's an extremely common way to describe the mental fatigue and memory loss symptoms experienced by recovering alcoholics and cancers patients, amongst other people with many other illnesses. Be glad you've not been exposed to the term before.

It needs to be noted that soy is put in nearly all processed American food at this point, everything from salad dressing to frozen french fries, ice cream, meatballs, bread, crackers, cookies, pasta sauce, juices, etc. Soy is an estrogen mimic and "over-exposure" to it — whatever your personal threshold for estrogen

You could put a tombstone with the name Fluffy on it behind the dirt spot. And then you'd only be at risk of necrophiliac beastialists or those trying to create zombie dogs digging your money box up.

iFlicks if you're on OS X.

It you mean the same album (not artist) is broken down 20 times, select all, get info and change Album Artist to Jay Z keeping (song) Artist as Jay Z + whomever.

I've been cleaning up my music library for the last couple of months. I'm on the mid-C's now. When I began, I decided to do away with "best of" and "compilation" albums and find the actual information for the first appearance is the song. A combination of fan discography sites, discogs and 45cat have provided most of

MusicBrainz is fucking awful. It has no fucking content. 9 out of 10 things I tried looking up there they had no record of whatsoever. Completely fucking useless. And it has a shitty UI, too. Fuck that noise.

Seriously, everything is hackable and the password managers are going to get cracked sooner or later so you may as well just use small passwords you can remember.

You might want to have blood work done to see if your hormone or vitamin levels are off.

You can change that easily in the settings or, if clicking a box is too hard, install AdBlock Edge instead.

I wear holes in the asses of all my jeans because my bony butt.

You're looking at the wrong thing. The problem is the soy. Soy is an estrogen mimic. Most American food is infused with GMO soy as filler, everything from juices to frozen french fries to salad dressings to breads, etc. Soy is completely screwing up people's endocrine systems. If you want to lose weight or have

I did this a few times when I was extremely ill and the produce was always bad. Is this a common problem?

I love my white noise machine. It adds extra sounds and increases the volume in response to noise in the environment. You can also hook it up to a full stereo system if you're trying to drown out noise with a lot of bass like construction or terrible subwoofer-heavy "music".

A fat person behaving like a bratty five year old? Shocking.

Shit like this is why I can't eat soup. Imagine a soup factory with these huge revolving barrels of soup and there's probably rats swimming in them and some dude in overalls stirring the soup with a huge stick and spitting into it...Fuck soup.

You tricked me, Walter; I was sure this was going to be a Dachis post.

Tracie, the new Kinja is completely fucking illegible on iOS.

The new Kinja is completely fuckimg unusable.