
Maybe she didn't drink because she had some kind of liver disfunction which would also cause poor methylation of any number of other substances.

I feel for you. When I had ATT, I was on the phone with them at least once a week with multi-daily total signal loss. They did show up quickly when I demanded service visits and two of the techs that worked my neighborhood even gave me their cards so I could skip the scheduling and just have them come over. But the


They are not concerned about fetal pain. Their singular concern is preventing women from having the rights of actual human beings.

Don't forget that the Supreme Court has decided that if a patient has a severe adverse reaction to a generic medication — even if it results in permanent disability and disfigurement — the patient has no right to sue the generic nor the original drug maker. Never take a generic prescription medication.

Very well may have been. They hand the shit out like candy for all sorts of minor infections and suspected infections (like UTIs) despite the fact that it should be reserved for potentially lethal infections because it destroys mitochondria along with bacteria and causes severe paradoxical reactions and even

It's not concern trolling and you're a cunt.

The overly prescribed and extremely dangerous fluoroquinolone antibiotic Ciprofloxacin can and does cause psychosis in many people. For all we know, she had a sinus infection and had a toxic reaction to the med she was given.

The editors and commenters on this site generally hate science and fact. Breast Feeding = Unhealthy and Obesity = Healthy. It's upsidedownland here more often than not and all driven by bias and denial of reality; there's an unsettling sense that this is a community which fosters and enables professional victimhood

Cleft lips and palates are generally a symptom of MTHFR mutations which create an inability to process folic acid. People with these mutations need to take methylfolate and methylated forms of all the B vitamins as well as stay away from a number of common foods and medications. An estimated 37% of the global

When these same types of "beliefs" are found in individuals, they are classified as mental illness. When they are found in groups, they're written off as religion rather than as Folie En Masse. Religions began as ways to explain phenomena we did not have the science yet to otherwise comprehend; we now have that

No they don't. Most are mom n pop shops and their products are a million times more effective than the gums and patches and inhalers that big tobacco/big pharma do own. This is why they are trying to destroy the competition and they're succeeding in doing so because they can buy off members of congress. The guy making

It takes 25 years for an avocado tree to grow to maturation and begin producing fruit. We should really all start planting now. You need a male and a female avocado pit.

It's a symptom of Ehler's-Danlos syndrome aka The Rubberman Disease. It's a collagen disorder that wreaks varying degrees of havoc on all the joints and connective tissues.

Exactly. Target and all chain US clothing retailers have bastardized clothing sizes to accommodate the ever swelling population to the degree that most of their clothing should already be considered plus size. We smaller people have to buy extremely over priced jeans a boutiques or shipped from Europe and Asia where

All the clothes at Target and all other major US retailers are plus sized clothing; having a plus size department is simply fucking redundant. In high school, 15 years ago, I wore a size 2-4; today's sizes 2-4 are the equivalent of what used to be 8-10s. I am the exact same size and weight as I was then but now can

You're implying that the magical thinking required for theism is not, itself, a mental illness.

The HIPAA law states it must be a "reasonable" fee for covering no more than the cost of the actual paper and ink. Next time any of these people try to screw you, take them a copy of the law.

Walter, you should really do a sort of Hive Five of the major complaints patients have about their physicians and from it create listed post of how doctors can be better at their jobs. I've seen no less than 14 doctors in the last 18 months since having had to move to Ohio because of a debilitating chronic illness and

It's illegal for them to charge you more than the cost of the copying and the mailing of the documents to get your own records. They are not allowed by law to charge you a service fee for this information nor a charge for whomever made the copies. Illegal. Look at the HIPAA site.