Island of Misfit Toys

I'd like to put in a good word for a chemical engineering degree.

Looks like you carry the bitch gene.

Gary D. Maynard, head of the Maryland agency that oversees the prisons, appeared at the Baltimore news conference where prosecutors announced the charges, and took responsibility for ongoing problems.

I so hope Will and Kate choose ALICE for a daughter. Alice was the name of Prince Phillip's mother and also the second daughter of Queen Victoria. Both women were incredibly brave and honorable noble women who worked for others their entire lives.

I'm convinced Janet Jackson did this to keep her and her money away from her family.

Hhhmmm. So just surmising here.

Wow, if that's true. Where did the packs go??? Although, a hoodie is not exactly unique.

Bless you. You have my deepest respect and prayers that you find peace.

I thought about hat, but no completely blown apart bodies were tiny fragments of one person, as if they were WEARING the bomb (forgive me for being so crude). So I'm thinking it must have been abandoned.

I see what looks like it could possibly be a trash bin in the 2:38 photo, if one focuses at the top middle-left of the photo; it is right where the blue fencing begins. It looks to be open-topped with a dark liner.

I so hope that somewhere in your pictures, there's a clue...or a hint...that will help bring the monsters to justice.

Update: The chances of keeping your favorite name on the down-low are now 50% greater!

The green makeup and the wart on the chin from Margaret Hamilton's version of 'The Wicked Witch of the West' were also not allowed in this movie, as they were unique features of the original movie (owned by WB).

Actually, the smart bet is ALICE. Phillip's mother and a daughter of Victoria. Both of these women were extraordinary human beings.

I hope Kate hires a nanny, so her daughter has at least one hard-working woman in her immediate life as a role-model.

The girlfriend is not dead, but in critical condition, according to local TV.

College recruitment offices - take note.

Those assholes in California already stole it.

If only they had included a warning about the disturbing imagery.

Sorry guys. Could not disagree more. I'll take a guy with a puny body and the most gorgeous heart and soul over this loser any day.