
Is typing out “Model” really so time consuming? Write it out once and copy paste it if it is so onerous. My god, keep it to the Tesla forums or whatever. And really, SV? My eyes rolled so far back in my head I saw my occipital lobe when I put it together you were talking about Silicon Valley.

Whoa! 2650 hp! No wonder it’s “6% faster than competitive trucks.” Wonder how many torques. I suspect all of them.

The 3 hatch is so much nicer and only a bit more though...

I suppose I included pay stubs as being on paper - which is what I guess I really meant, and not on paper like bank statements. But yes, this guy must have high income and relatively good credit despite his absurdly bad financial moves. Average interest rates for new cars in 2023 was like... 8% or so... and he wasn’t

Couldn’t possibly be related to the fact that it weighs 10,000 freaking pounds...

Somewhere, somehow, this guy has money on paper. A lot of it. Maybe he doesn’t bring much home, I don’t know. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gotten the loan in the first place. This is an insane “deal” and I don’t think even the shadiest of dealers would take the gamble on someone who couldn’t at least theoretically pay

Yeah, I mean. Of course.

How’s the back seat space now? I know an extra inch was added, but is it livable? Can a normal sized person fit back there? How about a car seat? How’s the trunk space? What’s the capacity? Do the rear seats fold? Flat? What’s the all-wheel drive system? How does it react? Did you get to experience it at all? What was

Thanks for some context.


What a dumb car.

I adore this car. I know it is not for everyone. But I think it is fantastic, especially in this color. It reminds me of some retrofuturist car from Gattaca. And I definitely thought the same about a very French feeling. It’s nailing that 1970s Citroen DS estate retro/future vibe. 

Just when I thought influencers could sink no lower they come up with this absolute nonsense. What a shitty pointless flex.

That’s... an interesting point I skipped right over!

I’m sure the cops would think the answer is yes. Technically, a warrant has to be pretty narrowly drawn and very specific. So if they have a warrant to get your car to obtain video footage they are supposed to be limited to just doing that. Of course, cops being cops, they get away with a lot more and it’s now well

Absolutely. And while I (sort of) understand the logic to the decreased expectation of privacy on public roads, you still have at last a property interest in the car in terms of its a thing you own and you should be entitled to use it. It’s crazy to me to think they could just tow any car they want without notice to

I guess they’re covered by hot hatches or sport compacts, but I think there are FF layout cars that can be considered sports cars. 

It’ll be an interesting test case. But your Fourth Amendment rights to the property in your car (and your car in general) is very, very different than what is in your home. The logic is that you agree to use your private car on public property, so you consciously or subconsciously agree to have a significantly

Yeah, my only thought there was the guy owns a construction company or his buddy does. Because I don’t know of any companies around me that would do work like this knowing that the owner didn’t have permits. 

That was my thought, too. He clearly has enough money to go buy 20 acres somewhere and figure out how to do this without pissing everyone around him off.