
I’ve been lucky and gotten to drive all kinds of things in my 42 years on this Earth. Maybe it’s rose-tinted glasses and hopeless nostalgia. Maybe it’s my young-self not knowing better. I don’t know exactly. But I’ve driven some ridiculously powerful turbo WRXs and two different Dodge Vipers and some neat Boxsters and

Lol, same thought about the Neon. Good for that little crapbox! 

I had no idea any of those big Dodges could go 200 mph. 

The idea that F1 has ever been a meritocracy is pretty laughable. And the odds of getting a seat in a top team is infinitesimally small.

It’s a fascinating story. The Buicks they used drove at 70mph (a shocking speed for something from the early 20s) and they put 150,000 miles on them running desert routes between Damascus and Baghdad. Wild. And the drivers were all lunatic gamblers and drinkers and whorers, and the Nairns had to give each of them a

Man, I wish. Maybe when I’m 66. Right now the two year old ties up most of my time. Mostly all I manage to do is the online time trials. But hey, got top 5.39% on the recent Tsukuba circuit time trial with the Civic Si-R on my third lap. Was excited about that...

It is not the first time I’ve gotten a comment, actually. Fairly common. When I buy a bunch of lumber, I’ll usually take my utility trailer, which is 5x10 and holds far more than just about any truck bed I can think of. Paid $700 for the thing a few years ago. Crew cab trucks are great at being 70s Luxobarges, but

Ha. First thing I noticed, too. And then had a good laugh at it taking the outside line in the second carousel. In fairness, that’s the same line I take driving GT3 cars... in... Gran Turismo 7...

The other day I was buying three 8' 4x4s and a whole mess of 8' 2x3 studs at the Orange store. Guy in a Nissan Titan next to me was loading a decent amount of lumber and said ‘better get yourself a truck!’ as I loaded it all into my Forester. The irony is that all of my lumber stayed dry on the way home, while his 8'

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Crazy how ridiculously patient this cop is with this idiot. It’s not often I defend cops, but, this has to be the most reasonable officer I’ve seen...

I’ve only seen two of these dumb things. Both were the Foundation Series. And those are from the factory with Goodyear Wrangler Territory RTs on them, which is definitely an AT tire.

I know who I’d rather have a beer with....

My tin foil hat belief (and utter naive hope) is that no one could be this awful, and it’s actually just two regular people who saw a niche marketing opportunity to sell awful crap to awful people. There was a decent amount of people on reddit a while back selling awful Trump crap to awful people who did it solely

I mean, props to him. Saved it there. Not sure I’d have the skills to save a sliding McLaren F1 in the drizzle. 

Yeah, this isn’t an airline/plane problem. This is a norovirus problem. And unfortunately for all the other people on the plane, I’d be shocked to hear that at least half of them didn’t also get sick. Norovirus is a bitch. Toddler brought it home twice last year. Lucky her, she’s vaccinated. Me and the better half?

The initial pushback from Toyota stans (weird to say - but they were all Tundra owners) on this was weird. Early on, a surprising number of folks couldn’t get themselves to believe Toyota made a fundamental error and looked for every way to blame the owner. Saw everything from bad gas to not break in period to over

Maybe, but because I’m the type of person who notices this nonsense, two of the now-owners of Wagoneers came from very new Tahoes (I think 2021 or so). So maybe they’re lease swappers getting a new ride, but my guess is they could afford just about whatever they want and this is it. 

It is shocking how many $70-90k Wagoneers I see in my life now. It immediately shot to the top of the list for SUVs desired by the fancy suburban house-wife. There are three at my daycare drop off every morning. Who knew there was such a demand for a Jeep this expensive. 

A four second Google search shows many forum conversations about charges for certain colors. Here’s one from 2005.

Could be, for sure. It comes across that way.