This sort of seems like Toyota selling a Nascar Camry as the fastest Camry in existence. Is there really any “Mustang” left in this car? More than there is Camry in a Toyota’s Nascar Camry XSE, sure. But... how much more?
This sort of seems like Toyota selling a Nascar Camry as the fastest Camry in existence. Is there really any “Mustang” left in this car? More than there is Camry in a Toyota’s Nascar Camry XSE, sure. But... how much more?
iT jUsT nEEdS aN oIl ChAngE.
Yup. 100% thought it was a Sentra Spec-V. Which was a fun little car in its time.
The LC is such a better looking vehicle that I can’t imagine it won’t do better.
I’d expect the depreciation hammer to hit this one twice - it’s an EV and it’s a first-run Hyundai. While Hyundai are certainly better, they still don’t hold value like Honda/Toyota do.
Went up on BaT a while back. Only got to $32k and seller pulled it I think. Guess he’s still hopeful.
I’d say I’m the target demo. Reasonably well-off but not rich. Enough money to buy stupid nonsense (boats...why did it have to be boats). As a kid born in the 80s and loving life in the 90s, I love the throwback 80s looks with modern flair. I love the headlights and taillights. 200 mile range would never be an issue…
Non-stop from Incheon to JFK when North Korea was shooting off nukes was pretty bad. Instead of the arctic route we flew the long way over Hawaii and it just took foreeevvver. More than 20 hours by the time we got there - and then we landed and all the bays for the A380 were occupied so we had to sit on the runway for…
That’s why, for me, the only explanation is that it cuts into ticket sales. So they schedule nearby events weeks or months away in hopes that some percentage of people will go to both events instead of just picking one event. And I share your notion that their claim of environmentally-friendly scheduling is completely…
The “green” angle of F1 just has to die. The lack of wet weather tires at Suzuka was a tragedy all in the name of making something that cannot be made environmentally friendly, “environmentally friendly.” And as a result, ticket-buyers sat in the rain and watched nothing happen.
Thought I was the only one who felt that that 60s and 70s muscle-cars need to look their age and wear patina with pride. I don’t like the look of a brand new ‘68 Mustang or a brand new ‘69 Camaro. It’s been around surviving for 50 years - it’s ok if it looks like it a little bit.
I just have no sympathy for people who pass school buses. Frankly, I wish the punishment was harsher. There’s just no excuse for it.
We need more justice by embarrassment. I bet that to this day she still lays there trying to fall asleep at night and remembers the time an entire school bus of kids made fun of her.
Yeah, these articles are now just mundane selections of cars that don’t really even fit the criteria. They really could have had a lot of fun with this one. A Corvette...? Really....?
Only 4" shorter than the Maverick bed. And with the bed extender in place you get 70" which is only 6" shorter than a Ram 1500.
This has to be the most uninspired selection of cars I can imagine, other than the Viper. Which is ridiculous, but so is the Viper.
It’s shocking to me how many people knowingly blow by stopped school buses near me. In my area they now come equipped with cameras on them and tickets for running the stop sign are automatically sent out. Normally, I’d discourage that kind of “safety” themed revenue generating nonsense, but, screw people who do that.…
Always got a kick out of F&F not using the GSX. Not even the GST. Just the 140hp base version.
Was reading and laughing at same. Whether it’s Boing, Tesla, or Maersk many of the accidents are attributable to one thing: making money. Maybe it can get a little muddied when you introduce the idea of making money at the expense of safety compared to making money by rushing half-baked goods to market in an effort to…