
Maybe she has a good Dr. and not one who just prescribes a medication for her problems.

Were I the scuba diver I would have had a panic attack. It's cute to watch but if it had happened to me I'd have freaked out more than just a little. Of course, it'd be hard to get me to scuba dive in the first place...

There's not one thing wrong with what she said.

I am a true strawberry blonde and I can't tell you how many people have tried for my hair color. I'm not a ginger but I love what red I have. Yay redheads!

Granted, I'm not a ginger but a true strawberry blonde, but, red hair is beautiful!!! I love the red streaks in my hair!

Daniel hasn't been sober for 2 years. He was drinking in a NYC bar a little east of Chelsea a couple months ago... without being thrown out. Just no one reported on it.

THIS. YES. lol.

The worst part of Day One is not only is it the day I have a very heavy flow but I also am in the bathroom constantly. I HATE dealing with both blood and poo at the same time. It makes me feel slightly defeated. I handle it just fine but it's... humbling. Also the horrid cramps that I get mostly only on that day that

Maybe when they first got together he wasn't settled yet... it happens. also... maybe Gwen knows...?? *shrug* I guess I always think of the interview he did for BUSH behind the music. He cries while talking about her and i always found it really really touching. They may have fidelity issues but that doesn't mean they

I'm a singer who has not seen any version of Les Mis until now and, from an outside perspective with no Broadway version to compare it to, I think in both versions of the trailer she sounds great. Maybe a TEENSY bit pitchy in once place but it's all really quite moving. I was all geared up to hate it.

Women do this too. I don't know about the recessive gene thing, that may be purely male. But I know I fall hard for people who look like me in some way. Similar bone structure or even if features aren't the same the proportions will be. I am blonde and I love men with dark hair. I really find this stuff fascinating.


I am confused by people who are able to hold their poo. When I have to go, I have to go. It's quick and most people don't notice I did it. I don't LOVE pooing next to someone in a stall but I'll do it if i have to... or just wait til they leave if i feel it's going to be... *ahem* eventful.

I used to drink these when I was in school. Sometime they'd make me feel great and sometimes they'd make me feel like death. I stopped drinking them because it wasn't worth it. I would NEVER have more than one... and I have a very high tolerance for caffeine.

I love Shiloh.

that is definitely the most i've ever seen him lose it. the writers must get together and try and add the funniest lines before the show just to crack him up. he did an interview where he said that do rewrite before the show sometimes and he doesn't see it until he does it.

I guess that means there are only five mormon feminists...

I agree. Aside from maybe the expresion lines and some skin folds they really didn't do much to these women's bodies... kind of amazing really. I'd have expected a lot more manipulation.

I am quite small downstairs but for some reason really do adore big dicks. I don't orgasm easily and frankly with men who are smaller I find I orgasm easier. I figure it's because my g spot is shallow. But I do love love love the big stretch a big cock gives. Both have their appeal...

Good god, don't watch the movies. Read the books. You'll be MUCH happier with them. The movies really don't compare.