
you're what?

honestly, all you have to do is friend someone to glean enough about who they are... you can see any posts they make if you creep enough. the only thing i can think of that logging in would allow them to do extra would be to snoop through my messages and account setting, both of which concern nobody but me.

if it's online or requires a server to start up then chances are it won't work... they didn't really specify if multiplayer servers or just all online access for those particular titles. chances are, you'll be able to buy the content though. knowing EA, you just might not be able to access it.

Your logic is flawed... why shouldn't the 3DS have a better set of screens? They charged the same launch for a product with inferior specs. Oh, they couldn't use OLEDs because of 3D? Why not incorporate those into the 3Di then? The 3DS had an extra 70-80 dollar profit margin before the price cut. That could have

Why would they need to compromise quality for 3D (Nintendo)? 3D Televisions aren't 240p. They could've easily used a much higher quality screen if you look at the profit margin for the 3DS. They dropped it for wwhat... 70-80 dollars? They're still making a profit too. For that much money hey could've stayed at regular

Do you honestly think it'd be on the same level wig he brightness damped up? No, it wouldn't. They probably only included it so Nintendo fanboys wouldn't flip over them just using the Vita.

I used to love Nintendo (I loved me my Gamecube), but not anymore after the Wii and (honestly) the 3DS. Nintendo will not get another dollar from me ever. I'm just waiting now for Skyward Sword to go down in price at Gamestop so I can not support Nintendo. I swear though, if that game sucks too...

oh, yea... just make sure you're not in YOUR car when that geyser blows -_-

no, it's a real product... the Shake Weight! check out the SNL (or maybe it was Mad TV) parody on Youtube for some real laughs, hahaha.

Luke Plunkett is horrible at his job,

they;ve quit with demo discs altogether sadly... i now subscribe through my e-reader for like $7 a year... i really enjoyed those discs. i hate downloading demos. i forget i have them.

He's getting sent to pound you in the ass?

You used "has" in place of "as". Nothing you say matters now.

I'll admit I didn't get my 360 until about 2 years in... so that may be he primary reàson for why it's still working as opposed to the first model where a majority of them ate it in a relatively short period of time. That's kinds funny how polar opposite our experiences have been, haha... I forgot to ask though, but

oh, i understand he's a douche... i've been responding to the other guy on several threads though and the logic behind a lot of these comments is so emotion based and just incorrect in most cases... "they stole credit card numbers", "they ruined lives", "they shut down government agencies. they should be taken out"...

did i ask you?... no? ok, that's because i wanted to know from him/her.

true... i game on a relatively low-end PC so i know all too well about lowering every graphics option a bit to make the game more enjoyable (or just even playable in some cases). I did love gaming on my '09 Pro though, it was always a smooth enjoyable experience after i got 7 to (of course) run the games i desired to



Thank you... everyone's assuming I'm talking about the VS models... for all they know I have an Asian fetish. I still haven't (in this comment) stated my stance, haha.