
It would be sustainable if we had a lot less people, which I think is a much bigger problem.

I'm a daily meat eater but I do think that our culture could stand to eat way less meat and that vegetarians are great for the environment. I also think the bacon fetishization can go to hell (along with zombies and beards, so over it!). The environment that the meat we eat is raised in is really horrible too. I think

I think 3,2,5 would be a good order. I wasn't enthused about the Las Vegas Setting but the trailer looks promising. 2 was pretty good, I just didn't think the cinematography showed off the choreography as well as Step up 3.

I like the misfits, their songs are better.


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One of my favorite random dance sequences was at the end of Zatoichi, 2003. Check it out!

I saw the first one and thought it was crap. Way way too much plot, not enough dancing, boring main characters. So I skipped the second one but couldn't help myself after seeing the trailer for the third one and it was AMAZING. Instead of just focusing on the two main characters, it's about the whole crew. It's like

So many old trailers droned on way too long and just laid out the plot in boring voiceover.

Beyonce's worked with him? That's really disappointing.

The stories about Richardson didn't come out until a few years ago and you had to be actively searching for it back then. She says she was 19 at the time and we don't know how long ago that was.

Clearly his career's not ruined because there have been many allegations against him and he's still getting plenty of work. He understands the power he has and understands how to manipulate people. That's why he has assistants hanging out acting like everything is totally cool.

Who are his assistants that clearly know what's going on and enable him?

Where did they pull all these gifs from? The trailer didn't show anything.

It's ubisoft's game and they're the ones porting it.

This will pair very nicely with Vita TV.

I wish I could have their real job!

Is she dressed as Chell from portal 2?

Did we learn nothing from the lesson of Spider-Man 3? There is far too much going on in this trailer — I can only imagine the chaos that will be the actual film. At least we've still got the charmingly-awkward Peter and Gwen dynamic going on. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll kill her in this one!