
As excited as I am for this game, I'm let down that there doesn't seem to be much robot on robot melee. How awesome would it be to fly up on another starhawk, transform and latch on and start mashing on them in mid flight?

I was also wondering why they needed black ops to fight what seems like a very public war against pretty cut and dry villains.

I think an important thing to keep in mind when making small talk with anyone is to make sure what you're saying or asking isn't based on information you think you know about someone. Just because they look foreign, don't assume you know where they are from or that you know anything about who they are.

I get casual racism a lot when I'm in Japan. Whenever I do something right, it's because I'm half Japanese. If I do something wrong, it's okay because I'm half American.

It would have been cool if Altair was a woman. They could still make an assassins creed game about a female ancestor of Desmond.

They're tempting fate.

The best playground I've ever been to is the City Museum in St. Louis.

As a decent human being, it's our obligation to not be dismissive and treat the other person with dignity. Try "This match has about 5 minutes left." instead of "uh huh, got it."

Totally agree. This society just assumes that everyone should be in a relationship, I don't think everyone is necessarily suited to it.

High five to that!

Good point. This seems to be a small excerpt from a larger troubled relationship.

I love shopping. I've recently especially started to enjoy grocery shopping with my girlfriend. We bought 6 packs of hot dogs because they were on sale, it made us giddy.

The important part wasn't that she needed the wedding dates, it was that he was being rude to her and stalling when she needed his attention. He didn't win by finally pausing to give her the information which he could have easily gotten earlier, he lost by missing the point. Just because he was listening, doesn't mean

I love when people say "hand picked". The studio was hand picked for this game, as opposed to other games that are assigned by raffle.

Just out of curiosity, is SOTN resized for the widescreen? Or is it just stretched?

Bwaaaa? That's awesome! It's a bummer I'll have to buy it again, but.... probably worth it. Especially since it's an updated version!

Can't wait to play symphony of the night on Vita.

With you on that, my first thought was "Good for him, and good for G4 for allowing him to come out publicly on their network." Oh well.

It will be nice for him to get out of under the rock that is G4. X-play seems nearly irrelevant next to websites like Kotaku, IGN, gamespot and gametrailers. 20 minutes per weekday is not enough to cover the games industry, and I can get much more up to date and in depth info from websites.

Those hangers have gravity defying T-shirts.