
He's holding it like he would hold a dog...named rex.

The great thing about vehicles is the David VS Goliath aspect. Sure it feels great to get a headshot, but it feels exhilarating to c4 a vehicle with 3 or 4 guys in it. Then you get points for each person you kill and bonuses for destroying the tank and getting a multikill. There's increased risk vs reward. TDM is

The base primary weapons for each class are different based on whether you are on the american or russian team. Eventually you will unlock the ability for each team to use the other's base weapon. In the meantime, you will unlock a bunch of increasingly better guns.

I feel like EA is baiting this sort of behavior with stat tracking. When your online reputation is on the line, people will do what it takes to raise those stats. I personally would rather enjoy the time I spend online with varied gameplay rather than camping. And is hovering and taking out tanks really bad? If you

Oh hell yeah, I'm all over the power grip. I was just about to buy a grip this morning, but decided that $6.50 in shipping was outrageous. Now for $10 more, I get more battery life.

How many times do we have to tell you? Dual analog sticks!

Please don't, Sony, give the Vita room to shine. Unless of course there is heavy Vita integration into the PS4 that makes it essentially Wii-U like.

I would love to have $5000 and a guaranteed game related job in CA. There's lots of people who would love to have any job in this economy. I'm sure it's easy for people who are already in the game industry to put it down, but it really is a dream job for many gamers. Your resume has to start somewhere.

it's a whole lot of excuses and not much begging forgiveness. To ask for forgiveness you must admit that you were wrong, not that you were caught.

Turning $5 into $60 now with a good chance of another $5 later sounds pretty good. Maybe they're trying to hit their year end quota?

I thought it was a cat-bird thing

It would be advantageous to gamestop to cancel pre-orders of this game prematurely and encourage them to spend that pre-order money on another game. Surely, anyone who already had money down on Last Guardian won't hesitate to re-pre-order it again if Gamestop relists it. So Maybe Gamestop is cashing in on this title's

I remember all the promises he made of MGS4. He said they would be focusing on materials and what is inside of objects and walls. They barely had any interactive objects, much less destructible environments.THough I loved the game, it was mostly more of the same.

I only get motion sickness from certain FPS games. In James Bond Nightfire, there was just one level that gave me motion sickness. Dead Island was giving me motion sickness so I started taking dramamine before I played it. After two sessions of playing the game for a few hours with dramamine, I was able to play the

Suck it instruction booklets! We don't need your lies!

I thought it was free, it was browser based, I certainly didn't give them any money for the 5 seconds I tried it.

or if the men feel like playing ladies.

Yeah I noticed the female pilot voice. It's kind of strange since you enter the vehicle as a male but it's pretty cool nonetheless. I guess it's not that realistic to have infantry hopping into jets anyway.

I heard about a person that I barely knew but respected, having an affair with a younger person that ruined their home life and professional life. And I didn't think they were awful, I just thought about the situation where you would get yourself involved in a relationship that you know can ruin your life. That's some

I would totally want to know, and actually do know in one case. I'm fascinated by what makes people tick, even if it potentially negatively affects my life.