
wouldn't it be Eled oh El? Laughed out loud as opposed to Laugh out louded? I get Lol'd, but if your speling out each letter of the abbreviation...

Doesn't take free giveaways to keep me playing BF3 this weekend.

They can make whatever games they want, but they're going to have to answer to the public because sexism and racism piss people off and rightly so. The constitution says that any asshole in their basement can make a KKK simulator set in the 40's. Activision can do it if they want but they won't because I'm pretty

It would be awesome if they incorporated an assassins creed style climbing mechanic that you could use not only on mountains but also pieces of certain buildings.

Then is what you're saying that when you call someone a fag, it's a joke because though they're not really a fag, a fag is something awful that you wouldn't want to be and that is why it's funny when you're calling them a fag?

When you defend this kind of language, you're advocating an environment where adults, college students, high schoolers, middle schoolers and even elementary schoolers feel that Faggot is a word that is acceptable to use. Even if the situation you're using it in isn't specific to a gay person, or even a specific

I know, but they were just asking for it.

This is the first single/multiplayer game I've ever bought and went straight into the multiplayer. Based on reviews and wanting to get as far as possible as quickly as possible in unlocks, I decided that campaign can wait until winter break.

Yeah... sliding under things isn't going to work as well as it did in the game.

I get the feeling he just commits to scripts on whims.

I can't fault a guy who does what he loves and loves what he does.

San Andreas was San Francisco in GTA1, I made the same semi-mistake. I agree with you though.

Asia would be an awesome city for any other game, but GTA seems so quintessentially American. I think it's risky and very difficult for someone to do satire of a culture other than their own.

Sorry, wasn't thinking back to GTA(1), my mistake. But still, when I think GTA San Francisco, San Fierro comes to mind.

Pretty sure San Andreas is the stand-in for the state of California, San Fierro being the GTA version of San Francisco.

You put in a stupid achievement like play the piano 2000 times, you're just asking for people to cheat. There shouldn't be any achievements or trophies for things that are in no way enjoyable to anyone at all.

Stop turning so fast. You'd think this person was playing with mouse and keyboard. High sensitivity might be great for playing, but not great for a comparison video.

Hyperbole: The most awesome literary device of all time in the entire universe forever.

I'm still waiting on Chess 2.