the camera movement is pretty bad, I'm not sure if it's just the camera or if it's just a slow framerate, but I wish they would make it smoother.
the camera movement is pretty bad, I'm not sure if it's just the camera or if it's just a slow framerate, but I wish they would make it smoother.
What gamer is going to spend the cost of 1.5 new games on something that strives to be pajama pants?
My femshep has short red hair with green eyeshadow. Her armor is orange and white like Mothra!
shoot being mapped to R2 makes sense because r2 is a trigger. I use realtriggers though, and that helps alot.
inverting the flight stick only makes sense for flying games. Inverting has no place in an FPS. It kind of makes sense for a turret, but in that case left and right should also be inverted (Implying you're moving the back of the gun around a pivot point.)
I'm sure she would understand that he was at work and it was the least romantic/sexy circumstance for a kiss ever. "Yeah hon, I just stuck my tongue in and out of her cyborg mouth as fast as I could while fantasizing about bowling, it was really hot." Did I mention the E3 nerds awkwardly shuffling by?
I was at the edge of my seat waiting for them to make out.
I think this is going to teach terrible kissing. It's like using wii waggle shovelware to teach dancing. There is all kinds of dancing, good dancing is appropriate to the situation. "increase the speed of the ball by moving the tongue faster while kissing" sounds just bad.
And 2k & gearbox should not be held responsible for taking on DNF as a charity case and finishing it. I know they usually do better, they just did the best with the crap they were given.
excellent point! I remember buying a Japanese game boy game that was so un-fun and poorly designed that I couldn't get past 3 levels. the picture showed lasers and spaceships, the game was actually a puzzle platformer and you only got 3 bullets.
I hope this prevents Duke from getting a sequel. It's a waste of creative energy and money on an anachronistic, creatively bankrupt franchise.
It needs the extra 50% to run the controller screen?
The blue one on the back left has two right hands.
Make it third person. As much as DICE would like to pretend that putting you in a first person perspective gives you a visceral sense of movement, it doesn't work because vision alone isn't what gives you a sense of your body. On the contrary, when I'm trying to make quick turns and navigate my body around obstacles,…
Yeah this looks worse and more shallow than Shattered dimensions did. They need to give us another Spider-man 2, great characters, respectable campaign, and open city with awesome acrobatic traversal.
I thought it was weird that snake used his blind eye to look down the scope of the rocket launcher.
Dance Central more than any other game has made me want to supplement my PS3 with an X-box, maybe if they come out with a reasonable bundle, I'll take the plunge.
I always have a hard time going back to SD graphics after having played HD for years. And I think MGS3 was the best in the series so I can't wait to play it again in HD. I was also disappointed that MGS3 didn't originally offer the widescreen option, especially for a director that obviously was into cinematic games…
MGS2 substance was on X-box as well
no dilemma: choppy framerate and headache inducing 3d, or gorgeous HD on a big screen.