Why does it take until next year for them to implement this, it's a piece of plastic you snap onto the iphone, it should have been on store shelves two weeks after they thought of it.
Why does it take until next year for them to implement this, it's a piece of plastic you snap onto the iphone, it should have been on store shelves two weeks after they thought of it.
I love the PS3 but this is embarrassing. I'll get the move when a game justifies the purchase.
@metronome49: Right on!
Lego star wars had a much better Dagobah level.
@Eisues: Bravo!
@Steven Ansell: Anyone notice that Tron Spiderman has two right hands?
So the Super Mario Bros. movie was actually more accurate to the original concept.
@jasoncourt: Totally agree on Half Life 2. The linear gameplay made sense when you were trapped in a military research compound, but City 17 felt empty and small. The story was ok but nothing to write home about. People are inexplicably into the characters even though they're pretty thin.
When I was young I used to wonder if they would ever come up with a system like this, I assumed that a computer that powerful would need to be worn proton-pack style. Obviously, computers have progressed since then and it can probably fit in a somewhat bulky scope.
People hurt themselves playing basketball, cleaning out the closet, walking, and sleeping. Whenever humans do stuff, there's a chance they'll hurt themselves.
@Nannirk: I don't think artistic integrity will be affected in multiplayer. If it were singleplayer and they were telling a story that's one thing. But in multiplayer, the enemy, regardless of the name is equally armed with the exact same abilities (subject to the players preference), players are able to…
All of these people complaining about free speech being dead, this isn't about free speech, it's about capitalism. If they felt that keeping Taliban in would make them more money they would, the opposite is true. Maybe if EA were an indie developer and Taliban inclusion meant artistic integrity they would stick to…
I'm okay with this, as long as they don't take the Taliban out of the singleplayer. I feel like this won't affect the artistic integrity of the game because the art of multiplayer is in crafting a set of tools to facilitate new interactions and experiences. In this case I don't think it really matters what the two…
I hope the framerate gets better before release, that was making me nauseous. Otherwise, it's looking great. Maybe since PS3 will also have 3d, they could do an HD port.
I see visceral being the difference between controlling the character in Mercenaries and Uncharted. One feels like you are controlling a marionette in a dollhouse. They jump, shoot, run, but it feels detached. Uncharted often makes me forget the interface and I get really involved in the character and am wincing with…
thats a shame, I was soo tempted to go but I needed sleep and it's not worth the investment yet. Maybe if they had a game+comtroller bundle for those who invested in a PSeye.
@AndrewRyan: The PS3 will still have better graphics and bigger games, especially if they make the PSP download only. Y ou know it's not going to have a hard drive, probably 32 or at the most 64gig solid state drive, so they probably won't make any game bigger than 2 gigs. Peace walker would be about the scope of the…
@dowingba: no it has 3 days of battery life and 10 digital sticks!
@kitenai: it would be nice if you could scale graphics based on what your priorities were, you could plug it in to the wall to play with detailed HD, or mellow the textures to give you longer play time when you're using the battery. PC games let you scale graphics based on performance. This would be another reason to.