
Growing up in rural Montana, sometimes I’d be caught in a situation where I’m low on gas & it’s 20-30-40 miles to get to a town with a gas station (In Montana, your town having a gas station is NOT a given!) I had an 85 Chevy Celebrity with a 4-cylinder POS, & the gas gauge was notriously unreliable, and those cars

I agree pretty much with everything you say here (and I love the metaphors) BUT I do want to point out that one could argue The Monroe Doctrine, necessary though it may have been, is a pretty good example of the young U.S. acting like an entitled ass. Maybe The Monroe Doctrine was the U.S.’s toddler “yelling ‘NO’ to

The best thing about Booker T’s botch is how Stevie Ray & Mean Gene take it from there, like a couple of bosses, and don’t miss a beat while Booker is double face palming & Sherri is trying SO hard (& failing miserably) to not giggle like a little schoolgirl while trying to boost Booker’s spirits. I was always amazed

I’m pretty sure the former head writer for NXT is the guy who’s leading the Smackdown writer’s room. The Smackdown sample is pretty small, but between SD & NXT, this guy is doing good work thus far.

I certainly remember pre-WWE Brian.... Brian Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness at ROH’s 2nd (?) PPV (I think it was Driven iirc?) is to this day one of my all-time favorite matches (‘twas the match that introduced me to BOTH of them so yeah, it kind of had an impact...)

Y’know, as much as I hate seeing Daniel Bryan

Chris Jericho would be a prime example of “small guy, (MOSTLY*) safe style, and has gotten to the top.” But yeah, Y2J is the exception that kinda proves the rule. (*Mostly, cuz Jericho can get pretty stiff sometimes.)

And here I thought I was silly for getting to level 30...

yeah, Lousy is pretty old school slang. It’s kinda like how “bad” means “good” but way older (think 1880s instead of 1980s.) It’s one of those words that I expect in some old book but is a bit surprising to see in anything modern.

My takeaway from all this: Since when are we referring to 17-year-olds as “Women” or “Men?” I feel like she should still be a “girl” for at least 1 more year.... Also it’s more funny to say those dipshits “got beat by a GIRRRRRLLL (GRRL?)nyah nyah nyah” than it is to say they “got beat by a woman (womyn?) nyah nyah

Is “Y’all” a southern thing tho? Or is it a country thing? Either way, IMHO “Y’all” is a perfectly valid second person plural pronoun. Name me another second person plural pronoun that ISN’T the exact same word as it’s second person singular counterpart. (Hint: that other word does not exist.) Honestly I think “y’all”

Not to defend JMO718 in his anti-Giants sentiment, but Florida State’s symbol (SPECIFICALLY FSU in this case) is not really racist, or at the very least it’s a more nuanced issue than just saying “The Seminole mascot is racist.” After all, the University does have an agreement with the Seminole Tribe to use the name &

Eh, I always just figured that it takes them 2 years to win 1 world series. They take the whole “it’s a marathon not a sprint” thing VERY seriously.

Eh, snow tires are rather overrated. All-season tires + common sense have gotten me through 39 years of life with its 39 years of Montana winters. (And that’s really all this article is: a refresher course on common sense driving.) I’d also add, for folks with stick shifts: downshift more & brake less to slow down.

At the risk of hating myself for doing this, I’m totally going to be THAT GUY for once, as I always come in too late to be Captain Grammar: “Then, there’s Levi, whom they really nail.” This is the wrong use of “whom.” If it makes sense to add “to” or “for” to the sentence and not sound dumb, then use “whom.” In this

Is he still doing that Gambit / X-Men movie? Cuz if so, this is the sorta hair he’d need to grow. If not? Um.....

I feel like there are a lot of folks in these comments who either A) have never held a job or signed a contract with an employer or B) are lucky to still be employed....

There is nothing draconian about Nintendo’s media policy. It is actually quite standard for a company, in its terms of employment, to mandate that an employee have company authorization to speak to the media. Once there was a bomb threat at my job, and as we were clearing out we were specifically told to NOT speak to

Y’know, with as many of these sorts of “Company X fires Employee for {insert social media activity here}” posts that io9/kotaku/gawker/etc run, I’m starting to wonder if anyone at Gawker has ever signed an NDA or if Gawker even has an NDA policy. Either Gawker has no NDA policy at all, or this story is just another

I work for a company where I (as a guy) often feel too cold. My company has experimented with temperature (& light levels too) to try to make it more comfortable for more people. With the higher temperatures, omnipresent musky dude smell soon followed. And this was in the summer so the fellas were also generally

My WWE 2k15 save file is 824MB... 😱 That & Rocket League consumed pretty much my entire cloud save storage. I hope I never have a hard drive crash....