
I suppose I'm good with that. That is, as long as there is a separation of Church's and state.

This is totally fake. If she was really in Australia, she'd have spun the other way.

That look of drunken exhilaration and zero coordination and blind luck is incredibly Midwestern. We all recognize it. My drunk uncle stepped backwards off a deck yesterday, stumbled like he had been shot, and then made the same face as that woman when he didn't spill his beer. It was magical.

Well, at least that dude's socks are still white.

"Who's a good girl?? Who's a good girl??"

It's like Hunter couldn't believe both of his i's.

404 - Swing not found

It's Boston, Tom. There's no need to point out that something is white.


You can tell it's in Australia because the kid spun counter clockwise.

"You should go gluten free!"

You are seriously the very model of a dumbass, please know that hundreds if not thousands of people have laughed at your stupidity. You have brought great shame on your family.

This is absolutely disgusting. I've gone a long time pretending this shit didn't exist, and that was perfectly fine until it started getting thrown in my fucking face. This has gone too far. Now I'm going to have to explain to my children that OWN is an actual TV network.

My bad if I was not clear. LBJ never said anything about boycotting. Maybe he said something like "No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long" but that's just me paraphrasing. He's a friend

I really do want to help, Samer. But could you please post a description of the cat instead?

The $100,000 is nothing compared to the millions the Browns have spent trying to find the worst QB.

Anti-vaccination groups argue that vaccinations can lead to mental retardation, which in turn, can lead to great difficulty in spelling the name "Jackson".

You can tell he's drunk since he's making a pass.

Dad: Well maybe if you let me wear a glove I wouldn't have made that mistake!