
Only if he was driving their bus.

Both are unaware the other is famous.

"Yeah, you always have to cut a cheque that's ten times bigger when they start making noise."

You could save 15% or more by switching to Costco

Please don't try to be funny.

Find a nearby bucket of ice water and throw it in your face.

"Who is Pete Rose?"

Cubs Intern: Ummm Mr. Green, I think there is something you need to see.

I remember 65 million years ago when Boshing was the new thing.

Kids are also Wade-ing, where they remove all the cartilage from their knees, only show up to 50% of the school days, and stay in class after all the other kids have left to argue grades.

But it's already in a Cubs jersey.

As further evidence of Musberger trying to sound "hip," Mushnick pointed out that he kept referring to "pop" as "soda" and "negroes" as "people."

Wow. The sky truly is the limit for this kid.

Things That Are Democratic, Ranked by Tony Kornheiser

The enforced secrecy is due to the fact that the UTEP players won't be charged as adults.

did the Browns really have to put team HQ next to some kind of abandoned box factory?

That was a really eloquently written letter.

Kid: [points to shorts] "I want those too!"