
Great! Now, how much more do you have to pay and insure a bouncer, as compared to a seventeen year old kid in striped polyester?

False equivalence. If a club serves somebody underage or somebody already intoxicated, they can get into very big trouble. Most importantly, there is decades of people understanding that rule. There isn’t much penalty for not enforcing mask guidelines and some really stupid states (Hi, Florida!) are doing there best

Mr. Hughes already pointed out how that would look from an employee’s perspective:

Well, chopped VHS on 16" CRTs kind of sucked.


Speaking as That Guy who goes out to see all the superhero whiz-bang movies, IMO that first viewing in the theater in IMAX 3-D is still worth the price. Would I go see a sensitive character drama about a woman dying of a rare disease in the theater? Nah. But a massive spectacle gets a lot of value-add when it takes

“Yes, I am totally vaccinated. And this second ticket is for my totally hot Canadian girlfriend who will be joining me once the lights dim.”

I’m probably going to go masked at movie theaters for a while anyway (maybe even forever), because COVID aside, it’s also nice not getting colds and the flu.

Gregory Pratt’s tweet is right but, in context, it is wrong. He is correct that politicians do not get to choose who covers them. However, politicians do get to choose whom to grant an interview. Not every reporter gets one-on-ones, and I believe that is what Mayor Lightfoot is stating. She is giving BIPOC journalist

Well I’ll never stop laughing at the idea that Lightfoot is a NAZI because she gave interviews to journalists of color. 

That is not the argument, the argument is “You had no issue when Trump & Fox News did and now you are upset that a black woman is going to attempt to control the narrative and give black & brown journalists a chance to speak to her at the expense of gasp white men?” When Tucker Carlson is trying to point out the flaws

You are losing the argument when the response is “Well Trump did it”. Now Trump is the standard for analyzing a free press?

No fuckin’ shit man. These right wing/incel/fuckboi types have moved across the internet like a horde of locusts. The move to be silenced by Israel and powers behind it is bullshit too, and they can’t even get their rhetoric right:

The “Censorship” and “Freedom of Speech” crowd is real quiet about this one...

It’s very unlikely IGN and GI editorial staff are to blame for today’s takedowns. Be kind to them. They did good yesterday.

Have to imagine that this came down from very high up, against the will of the actual workers at IGN.

Absolutely cowardly. I should have known better than to be impressed by them yesterday.

This mediocre old Simpsons joke gets way too much mileage online imo

xenophobes and misogynists

I was a very frequent commenter there back in 2014-2015 and the way I see it there’s a fairly straight line of radicalization that went through a certain console brand’s fan base to Gamergate to Pepe to MAGA white nationalism in the years since. The same strain of fanboy malevolence pervades in on the politics sites I