America’s health care system sucks, but to act like Trans acceptance and gender affirming surgery is an American issue is so... American.
America’s health care system sucks, but to act like Trans acceptance and gender affirming surgery is an American issue is so... American.
That's heartbreaking.
Some additional context for non Americans. In America, we have decided that how we feel is a matter of life or death, that words are violence, and that rationality is old-fashioned patriarchal nonsense. So, instead of confronting our illnesses and dysphoria, we simply affirm and normalize them, despite the detrimental…
This has nothing to do with Merica or any other country. This is about someone with psychological issues feeling entitled to trans surgeries thinking it should be part of the insurance. It is optional. Show me what life threatening thing needs surgery that only a trans person has. If it has to do with gender changing…
We’re talking no vision, no dental
Vegas isn’t known for people with a conscience.
The fact that it’s taking place on a gallows indicates that it’s an official execution, and thus not a lynching (which is associated with hanging, but it’s a term for extrajudicial execution regardless of method).
“Well if Jerrems never saw the figure as a Black man…what else would it be?”
It’s amazing to me how the best adaptions of the games remain W. S. Anderson films simply because he at least had schlock that didn’t take itself seriously in the slightest.
“Sometimes, there will be things on Netflix that you dislike...”
Cancel culture is really not as effective as we were promised
Use your imagination, AV Club. I know you can find an excuse to include Chappelle, Stranger Things, and Thor 4 into one arti... slide show.
I think I saw that in 2003. You know, back before jokes caused “real harm”. I blame Dane Cook.
Are they the nipples that a birthing human possesses, because then Yes I Am.
The Closer wasn’t even funny.
There’s a slideshow with nipples, if you’re into that.
It’s wrestling. Controversy sells.