
He was great as the coach in the movie my friends and I watched every single Friday before a football game in high school- The Program.

It’s mainly Kathy’s show to be sure, but favorite movie of his has gotta be Misery.

For as many great movies as he was great in, I always enjoyed his palpable contempt for the whole operation on Las Vegas. His every line reading just wearily sighed, “I was in The Godfather, dammit.”

Not necessarily...

In my mind it’s not Cherelle’s seemingly out-of-touch actions, she’s desperate and afraid, it’s the media molding them into this ludicrous “Why won’t they help her???” narrative for clicks.

Echo’s story is kinda intrinsically tied to Kingpin, at least in the MCU for now. Not addressing him or having him on would feel weird. 

While Cherelle’s conversation with both the president and vice president may have only happened “finally”, it may be worth noting that there have also been talks with senior officials such as the Secretary of State while the State Department has been and continues to be in something like daily contact with Griner’s “br

Ugh. Hopefully that just means some cameos to tie in to DD season 4. Echo feels like a spinoff of a spinoff and I’m hesitant to accuse this of being a move to secure diversity points with a deaf woman Native American main character but it kinda feels like that might be why.

I’m glad they officially announced it. As thrilled as I am having them back as those characters, treating it as a big secret takes too much focus away from the story itself.

Oh, I’m sure. I was just pointing this out for us ground-dwelling insects.

Um...I think the mass rape and torture of the women of Ukraine by Russians might be Jezebel’s bailiwick. Instead of posting the same article over and over about one woman being treated unjustly by Russia while all of the aforementioned raping and torturing is happening in the background. But yeah, sarcasm’s cooler.

Wrongfully detained”? Did I miss the part where she claimed to not have brought drugs into a country hostile to americans? Cause I'm pretty damn sure she hasn't done that.

I can think of a more (in)appropriate C-word to call her.

I third that, and will add: please stop with the videos, but especially stop with the autoplay-at-full-volume videos; you’re going to get me fired.

Beyonce married a man who wrote and performed multiple songs about prostituting, abusing, objectifying, and degrading women.

...So y’all are being paid for these articles, right? It’s the only way to explain the tone and, as I mention each time, the total lack of context.

Stop it with the stupid videos. Please. 

Entertainment is one of the last fields where people get hired w/o background checks, mostly because it’s so much 1099 work. People get backgrounded to cashier at Home Depot but not make zillions in TV, Film or Music. It’s wild. 

I’m looking forward to catching this in theaters. I know Us had mixed reviews, but I really like Peele’s style of directing, and I enjoy that he tries to put layers in his films, even if it doesn’t always land quite the way he hoped. Twilight Zone was also a mixed bag, with some being incredibly effective