Yes people are that stupid.
Yes people are that stupid.
It feels a little unfair to compare The Boys to those.
Okay hold on, let’s back up a sec. Tony Soprano was a bad guy, but he wasn’t the story’s antagonist. He, like Walter White, was an anti-hero. The Sopranos cast him as the protagonist of its story, while acknowledging that he was more bad than good. Still, it invited the audience to sympathize with him anyway, to see…
it’s hard to say when Co$ is both capable of a) sitting on/actively quashing allegations that may have happened when he was in, or b) fabricating another felony against somebody criticizing them.
Apparently a bunch of people on reddit and some on Twitter just now realized he wasn’t, I guess in the last two episodes of The Boys.
People just lack empathy. To them that plane was no big deal. Just like to them all the kids irl dying to shootings, shit police, hunger, lack of access to medicines, etc. is no big deal.
This show. Starship Troopers. Fight Club. The Punisher.
They may have arranged it.
After Haggis became a huge critic of them when he quit, Co$ will be happy with this news.
I love the show. And I’ve been in the awkward position of loving the show despite its completely lack of subtlety, while criticizing other shows and movies for lacking subtlety. I’m a hypocrite.
Too many people see power and outward confidence as “good” qualities in and of themselves (as long as they come from a white male, of course).
The actor that played Captain America 2.0/USAgent in Falcon and the Winter Soldier was receiving hate messages and death threats because people thought he was really the character he was playing. This implies there is a group of people out there that don’t know that TV shows aren’t real, so.. yeah..
Yes, people are that stupid.
Yes. These are probably the same people didn’t realize murdering gangster Tony Soprano was a bad guy. Some people can’t grasp the concept that the main character of a TV show or movie can actually also be the villain.
Closet fascists have very poor media literacy skills
As Starship Troopers proved, no matter how obvious and clear a Satire is there will always be people who take it at face value.
I’m so confused that people are confused about this.
I imagine when Mississippi public TV officials in 1970 saw Sesame Street, this is how they reacted:
For old fogies who can remember this, like myself, the scariest episode(s) of Sesame Street were from 1970, when Mississippi’s PBS station committee banned the show from the state network’s inaugural broadcasts period because the show’s integrated cast and neighborhood setting were deemed unsuitable for Mississippi’s…