
Streets of Rage 2, Crash Bandicoot 2, Crash team racing, Rival Schools, Tony Hawk 2, Harvest Moon 64, pokemon. Blue and silver, street fighter alpha 3, and advance wars. And to some extent Ape Escape 1.

More like the only time haha.

Available for 7$ dollars......

I watched my friend start the game, and as soon as I saw the kid’s name I started yelling that. :D

To be fair we weren’t practicing for what was probably many hours.

The lip synching with Goku just before it happened was golden.

Come now Ben, we all know the Wizard was the greatest Nintendo commercial ever conceived.

Apparently they were movies in their native Canada, but in the states they broke them up into episodes as another season.

I feel like this could be a test bed of sorts, and if it goes well enough hopefully we’ll maybe be seeing the 3d poke rpg everyone has wanted. Most likely with this battle system.

I coulda swore I read on aksys’ forums that it existed in the vita version as well, but that the occurrence rate was much less. Or that it occurred in different areas then the 3ds version. Something along those lines.

I’ll hope for end of the year, but I expect it to probably be early next year :(

I always wanted to play that game. Your statement doesn't give me a lot of hope should I attempt to find one <__<

Wat. You must of been shopping in Wonderland GBD, cause that person had to be mad. (or , you know really didn't care about it haha)

Holy shit, I work there! Haha. Didn't work yesterday though.

Not gonna lie, I prefered Lucas' Moves over Ness. Dat home run twig.

Even if there is already way too many Mario characters in the game, seeing how high Waluigi is on that list (taking out the characters from the original smash who are always going to be in it), and him not being playable makes me sad.

I'd imagine at this point they'd have to do cross gen or else a ton of people will be pissed. Really though, if they do go through with it it's more of an incentive to upgrade for those who already have the game, it'd be silly for them not too.

As far as I've been able to tell, All dlc just transfers over. I don't think you have to unlock them or anything. Kinda like DOA5 ->DOA5U where some outfits that were dlc in 5 were automatically unlocked.

From what I've read yeah all of it does, thankfully. That woulda sucked otherwise.

Would that involve actually burning something, possibly in the hopes they show up?