
Bad caretakers seem the more likely cause of death than just bed bugs.

I get the impression that he knows that he fucked up a bunch.

Had a friend who worked in DC while GWB was President, and basically said this about him:

Not related, but timely. Congressional Dems have forced a vote that takes place tomorrow. Your rep will have to go on the record that they do or do not want to investigate the president’s conflicts of interest and shady ethics. Please make a call!

As Sam Bee said about Ted Cruz, I’d give my left tit for him to be President right now.

Nah, Trump makes Dick Cheney almost tolerable.

Nixon: Evil but not stupid.

Oh shit. You’re right.

44 already did.

Right? That’s the bar now for the highest office in our country - coherent thoughts and complete sentences!

“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. We needed the media to hold people like me to account,” Bush said. “Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power.”

This. Fuck Trump for making me wish we had even the borderline competence of a GWB administration.

I think the difference is the respect for the institutions of government and of the American people. GWB had bad policy that tanked the economy and got us into unwinnable, destabilizing, unjustifiable wars. But he at least respected the office of the Presidency, the humanity of Muslims and immigrants, and while he

Now playing

It’s amazing. Dubya—as dumb as he is— actually can form coherent thoughts and complete sentences.

We need allies from every end of the political spectrum right now so let’s just be glad Bush stepped away from his easel, where he’s very busy making outsider art, to speak up.

This is a remarkably self aware comment from W. Almost too self aware.

Not a fan of GWB by any means but I never expected him to try to completely dismantle the government and fuck large portions of the populace over.

I wish all Presidents could just skip to the chill ex-President stage.

Trump makes W seem smart. How far we’ve fallen.

Trump makes GWB look like a saint. That’s not a small feat.